"""This module implements the :py:class:`.PyPlotCreator` class, which
specializes on creating :py:mod:`matplotlib.pyplot`-based plots."""
import copy
import logging
import os
from typing import Callable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from ...tools import DoNothingContext, load_yml, recursive_update
from ..plot_helper import (
from ..utils import figure_leak_prevention
from .base import BasePlotCreator, _resolve_placeholders
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class PyPlotCreator(BasePlotCreator):
"""A plot creator that is specialized on creating plots using
:py:mod:`matplotlib.pyplot`. On top of the capabilities of
:py:class:`~dantro.plot.creators.base.BasePlotCreator`, this class
contains specializations for the matplotlib-based plotting backend:
- The :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper` provides an interface
to a wide range of the :py:mod:`matplotlib.pyplot` interface, allowing to
let the plot function itself focus on generating a visual representation
of the data and removing boilerplate code; see :ref:`plot_helper`.
- There are so-called "style contexts" that a plot can be generated in,
allowing to have consistent and easily adjsutable aesthetics; see
- By including the :py:mod:`matplotlib.animation` framework, allows to
easily implement plot functions that generate animation output.
For more information, refer to :ref:`the user manual <pcr_pyplot>`.
# Settings that are inherited from the BasePlotCreator ....................
"""Allowed file extensions; ``all`` means that every extension is allowed
and that there are no checks performed."""
"""The default file extension"""
"""Whether a default extension needs to be specified"""
"""Whether this creator supports :ref:`dag_framework`"""
"""Whether DAG invocation should happen in the base class method
If False, can/need to invoke the data selection separately in the desired
place inside the derived class.
# Newly introduced class variables ........................................
PLOT_HELPER_CLS: type = PlotHelper
"""Which :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper` class to use"""
# .........................................................................
# Main API functions, required by PlotManager
def __init__(
name: str,
backend: str = "agg",
style: dict = None,
"""Initialize a creator for :py:mod:`matplotlib.pyplot`-based plots.
name (str): The name of this plot
style (dict, optional): The *default* style context defintion to
enter before calling the plot function. This can be used to
specify the aesthetics of a plot. It is evaluated here once,
stored as attribute, and can be updated when the plot method
is actually called.
**parent_kwargs: Passed to the parent's
super().__init__(name, **parent_kwargs)
# Set the backend
import matplotlib
# Default style and RC parameters
self._default_rc_params = None
if style is not None:
self._default_rc_params = self._prepare_style_context(**style)
def plot(
out_path: str,
style: dict = None,
helpers: dict = None,
animation: dict = None,
use_dag: bool = None,
"""Performs the plot operation.
In addition to the behavior of the base class's
:py:meth:`~dantro.plot.creators.base.BasePlotCreator.plot`, this method
integrates the :ref:`plot helper framework <pcr_pyplot_helper>`,
:ref:`style contexts <pcr_pyplot_style>` and the
:ref:`animation mode <pcr_pyplot_animations>`.
Alternatively, the base module can be loaded from a file path.
out_path (str): The output path for the resulting file
style (dict, optional): Parameters that determine the aesthetics of
the created plot; basically matplotlib rcParams. From them, a
style context is entered before calling the plot function.
Valid keys:
base_style (str, List[str], optional):
names of valid matplotlib styles
rc_file (str, optional):
path to a YAML RC parameter file that is used to
update the base style
ignore_defaults (bool, optional):
Whether to ignore the default style passed to the
__init__ method
further keyword arguments:
will update the RC parameter dict yet again. Need be
valid matplotlib RC parameters in order to have any
helpers (dict, optional): helper configuration passed to PlotHelper
initialization if enabled
animation (dict, optional): animation configuration
use_dag (bool, optional): Whether to use the :ref:`dag_framework`
to select and transform data that can be used in the plotting
function. If not given, will query the plot function attributes
for whether the DAG should be used.
See :ref:`plot_creator_dag` for more information.
**func_kwargs: Passed to the imported function
ValueError: On superfluous ``helpers`` or ``animation`` arguments
in cases where these are not supported
# Store the output path, needed by methods
self._out_path = out_path
# Check if PlotHelper is to be used, defaulting to True for None.
_use_helper = getattr(self.plot_func, "use_helper", False)
if _use_helper is None:
_use_helper = True
if _use_helper:
switch_anim_mode = False
# Delegate to private helper method that performs the plot or the
# animation. In case that animation mode is to be entered or
# exited, adjust the animation-related parameters accordingly.
except EnterAnimationMode:
log.note("Entering animation mode ...")
if not animation:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot dynamically enter animation mode without any "
"`animation` parameters having been specified in the "
f"configuration of the {self.classname} "
f"'{self.name}' plot!"
switch_anim_mode = True
animation = copy.deepcopy(animation)
animation["enabled"] = True
except ExitAnimationMode:
log.note("Exiting animation mode ...")
switch_anim_mode = True
animation = None
# else: animation was successful.
# In case of the mode having switched, plot anew.
if switch_anim_mode:
log.debug("Plotting anew (with change in animation mode) ...")
except (EnterAnimationMode, ExitAnimationMode):
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot repeatedly enter or exit animation mode! Make "
f"sure that the plotting function of {self.logstr} "
"respects this requirement and that the plot "
"configuration you specified does not contradict "
# Call only the plot function
# Do not allow helper or animation parameters
if helpers:
raise ValueError(
"The key 'helpers' was found in the configuration of "
f"plot '{self.name}' but usage of the PlotHelper is not "
f"supported by plot function '{self.plot_func_name}'!"
if animation:
raise ValueError(
"The key 'animation' was found in the "
f"configuration of plot '{self.name}' but the animation "
"feature is only available when using the PlotHelper for "
f"plot function '{self.plot_func_name}'!"
# Prepare the arguments. The DataManager is added to args there
# and data transformation via DAG occurs there as well.
args, kwargs = self._prepare_plot_func_args(
use_dag=use_dag, out_path=out_path, style=style, **func_kwargs
# Create the style context
style = kwargs.pop("style", {})
rc_params = self._prepare_style_context(**(style if style else {}))
style_context = self._build_style_context(**rc_params)
# ... and plot
with style_context:
self._invoke_plot_func(*args, **kwargs)
# .........................................................................
# Plotting with the PlotHelper
def _plot_with_helper(
out_path: str,
helpers: dict,
style: dict,
func_kwargs: dict,
animation: dict,
use_dag: bool,
"""A helper method that performs plotting using the
out_path (str): The output path
helpers (dict): plot helper configuration
style (dict): style configuration
func_kwargs (dict): Plot function arguments, including helpers
and style ...
animation (dict): Animation parameters
use_dag (bool): Whether a DAG is used in preprocessing or not
# Prepare the arguments. The DataManager is added to args there; if the
# DAG is used, data transformation and placeholder resolution will
# happen there as well.
# In order to apply placeholder resolution to the whole config,
# the parameters are passed along here additionally (and popped from
# the parsed kwargs again a few lines below).
args, kwargs = self._prepare_plot_func_args(
# Determine if animation is enabled, which is relevant for PlotHelper
animation = kwargs.pop("animation")
animation = copy.deepcopy(animation) if animation else {}
animation_enabled = animation.pop("enabled", False)
# Initialize a PlotHelper instance that will take care of figure
# setup, invoking helper-functions and saving the figure.
# Then, add the Helper instance to the plot function keyword arguments.
helpers = kwargs.pop("helpers")
helper_defaults = getattr(self.plot_func, "helper_defaults", None)
hlpr = self.PLOT_HELPER_CLS(
kwargs["hlpr"] = hlpr
# Generate a style dictionary to be used for context manager creation
style = kwargs.pop("style")
rc_params = self._prepare_style_context(**(style if style else {}))
style_context = self._build_style_context(**rc_params)
# Check if an animation is to be done; if so, delegate to helper method
if animation_enabled:
# else: No animation to be done.
# Enter two context: one for style (could also be DoNothingContext)
# and one for prevention of figures leaking from the plot function.
leak_prev = figure_leak_prevention(close_current_fig_on_raise=True)
with style_context, leak_prev:
self._invoke_plot_func(*args, **kwargs)
log.info("Invoking helpers ...")
log.note("Saving figure ...")
log.remark("Figure saved.")
# .........................................................................
# Style
def _prepare_style_context(
base_style: Union[str, List[str]] = None,
rc_file: str = None,
ignore_defaults: bool = False,
) -> dict:
"""Builds a dictionary with rcparams for use in a matplotlib rc context
base_style (Union[str, List[str]], optional): The matplotlib
style to use as a basis for the generated rc parameters dict.
rc_file (str, optional): path to a YAML file containing rc
parameters. These are used to update those of the base styles.
ignore_defaults (bool, optional): Whether to ignore the rc
parameters that were given to the __init__ method
**update_rc_params: All further parameters update those that are
already provided by base_style and/or rc_file arguments.
dict: The rc parameters dictionary, a valid dict to enter a
matplotlib style context with
ValueError: On invalid arguments
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Determine what to base this
if self._default_rc_params and not ignore_defaults:
log.debug("Composing RC parameters based on defaults ...")
rc_dict = self._default_rc_params
log.debug("Composing RC parameters ...")
rc_dict = dict()
# Make sure base_style is a list of strings
if not base_style:
base_style = []
elif isinstance(base_style, str):
base_style = [base_style]
elif not isinstance(base_style, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError(
"Argument `base_style` need be None, a string, "
f"or a list of strings, was of type {type(base_style)} with "
f"value '{base_style}'!"
# Now, base_style definitely is an iterable.
# Use it to initially populate the RC dict
if base_style:
log.debug("Using base styles: %s", ", ".join(base_style))
# Iterate over it and populate the rc_dict
for style_name in base_style:
# If the base_style key is given, load a dictionary with the
# corresponding rc_params
if style_name not in plt.style.available:
_available = ", ".join(plt.style.available)
raise ValueError(
f"Style '{style_name}' is not a valid matplotlib "
f"style. Available styles: {_available}"
rc_dict = recursive_update(
rc_dict, plt.style.library[style_name]
# If a `rc_file` is specifed update the `rc_dict`
if rc_file:
path_to_rc = os.path.expanduser(rc_file)
if not os.path.isabs(path_to_rc):
raise ValueError(
"Argument `rc_file` needs to be an absolute "
f"path, was not! Got: {path_to_rc}"
elif not os.path.exists(path_to_rc):
raise ValueError(
f"No file was found at path {path_to_rc} specified by "
"argument `rc_file`!"
log.debug("Loading RC parameters from file %s ...", path_to_rc)
rc_dict = recursive_update(rc_dict, load_yml(path_to_rc))
# If any other rc_params are specified, update the `rc_dict` with them
if update_rc_params:
log.debug("Recursively updating RC parameters...")
rc_dict = recursive_update(rc_dict, update_rc_params)
return rc_dict
def _build_style_context(self, **rc_params):
"""Constructs the matplotlib style context manager, if parameters were
given, otherwise returns the DoNothingContext
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if rc_params:
"Using custom style context with %d entries ...",
return plt.rc_context(rc=rc_params)
return DoNothingContext()
# .........................................................................
# Animation