Source code for dantro.groups.labelled

"""Implements the LabelledDataGroup, which allows to handle groups and
containers that can be associated with further coordinates.

This imitates the xarray selection interface and provides a uniform interface
to select data from these groups. Most importantly, it allows to combine all
the data of one group, allowing to conveniently work with heterogeneously
stored data.

import logging
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from .._import_tools import LazyLoader
from import AbstractDataContainer
from ..containers import XrDataContainer
from ..data_ops.arr_ops import apply_along_axis
from ..exceptions import *
from ..utils import extract_coords
from ..utils.coords import TCoord, TCoordsDict, TDims
from . import OrderedDataGroup, is_group

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

xr = LazyLoader("xarray")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]@is_group class LabelledDataGroup(OrderedDataGroup): """A group that assumes that the members it contains can be labelled with dimension names and coordinates. Such a group has the great benefit to provide a selection interface that works fully on the dimension labels and coordinates and can cooperate with the xarray selection interface, i.e. the ``sel`` and ``isel`` methods. """ # Let new containers be xarray-based _NEW_CONTAINER_CLS = XrDataContainer # Configuration options for this group .................................... # Whether to use deep selection by default LDG_ALLOW_DEEP_SELECTION = True # The dimensions of this group, i.e. the dimensions of the space covered by # the members of this group. LDG_DIMS = tuple() # How to extract coordinates of the members; for available modes, see the # `dantro.utils.coords.extract_coords` function. LDG_EXTRACT_COORDS_FROM = "data" # Configuration for mode 'attrs' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LDG_COORDS_ATTR_PREFIX = "ext_coords__" LDG_COORDS_MODE_ATTR_PREFIX = "ext_coords_mode__" LDG_COORDS_MODE_DEFAULT = "scalar" LDG_STRICT_ATTR_CHECKING = False # Configuration for mode 'name' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LDG_COORDS_SEPARATOR_IN_NAME = ";" # Average container size above which all elements to be selected from the # same container (via ``sel`` or ``isel``) are selected collectively. _COLLECTIVE_SELECT_THRESHOLD = 1.8 # .........................................................................
[docs] def __init__( self, *args, dims: TDims = None, mode: str = None, allow_deep_selection: bool = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a LabelledDataGroup Args: *args: Passed on to :py:class:`~dantro.groups.ordered.OrderedDataGroup` dims (TDims, optional): The dimensions associated with this group. If not given, will use those defined in the ``LDG_DIMS`` class variable. These can *not* be changed afterwards! mode (str, optional): By which coordinate extraction mode to get the coordinates from the group members. Can be ``attrs``, ``name``, ``data`` or anything else specified in :py:func:`~dantro.utils.coords.extract_coords`. allow_deep_selection (bool, optional): Whether to allow deep selection. If not given, will use the ``LDG_ALLOW_DEEP_SELECTION`` class variable's value. Behaviour can be changed via the property of the same name. **kwargs: Passed on to :py:class:`~dantro.groups.ordered.OrderedDataGroup` """ # Initialize the member map, which is needed if containers are added # during initialization (thus invoking _add_container_callback) self.__member_map = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._dims = dims if dims is not None else tuple(self.LDG_DIMS) self._mode = self.LDG_EXTRACT_COORDS_FROM if mode is not None: self._mode = mode self._allow_deep_selection = self.LDG_ALLOW_DEEP_SELECTION if allow_deep_selection is not None: self._allow_deep_selection = allow_deep_selection
# Dimension and coordinates ............................................... @property def dims(self) -> Tuple[str]: """The names of the group-level dimensions this group manages. It _may_ contain dimensions that overlap with dimension names from the members; this is intentional. """ return self.member_map.dims @property def ndim(self) -> int: """The rank of the space covered by the group-level dimensions.""" return self.member_map.ndim @property def coords(self) -> Dict[str, List[TCoord]]: """Returns a dict-like container of group-level coordinate values keyed by dimension. """ return self.member_map.coords @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int]: """Return the shape of the space covered by the group-level dimensions.""" return self.member_map.shape # Additional properties ................................................... @property def allow_deep_selection(self) -> bool: """Whether deep selection is allowed.""" return self._allow_deep_selection @allow_deep_selection.setter def allow_deep_selection(self, val: bool): """Change whether deep selection is allowed.""" self._allow_deep_selection = val @property def member_map(self) -> "xarray.DataArray": """Returns an array that represents the space that the members of this group span, where each value (i.e. a specific coordinate combination) is the name of the corresponding member of this group. Upon first call, this is computed here. If members are added, it is tried to accomodate them in there; if not possible, the cache will be invalidated. The member map _may_ include empty strings, i.e. coordinate combinations that are not covered by any member. Also, they can contain duplicate names, as one member can cover multiple coordinates. .. note:: The member map is invalidated when new members are added that can not be accomodated in it. It will be recalculated when needed. """ import xarray as xr if self.member_map_available: return self.__member_map # Member map is not available and has to be created anew. # First, extract the coordinates by iterating over all members and # aggregating their individual coordinates; sets guarantee uniqueness coords = {dim_name: set() for dim_name in self._dims} for cont_name, cont in self.items(): cont_coords = self._get_coords_of(cont) for dim_name, coord_vals in cont_coords.items(): coords[dim_name].update(coord_vals) # Convert to dict of lists coords = {dim_name: sorted(list(s)) for dim_name, s in coords.items()} # Now, derive the shape from the coordinates shape = tuple(len(coords[dim_name]) for dim_name in self._dims) # Create a DataArray containing empty strings, using the existing # dimension names (as set during initialization) and coordinates to # label it. mm_data = np.zeros(shape, dtype="object") mm_data.fill("") mm = xr.DataArray( data=mm_data, dims=self._dims, coords=coords, ) # Iterate over members and populate the array with member names for cont_name, cont in self.items(): cont_coords = self._get_coords_of(cont) # These coordinates describe a hypercube in coordinate space that # is to be associated with this container. Thus, the member map # should contain the name of the member for all these coordinates: mm.loc[cont_coords] = cont_name # Cache the map and return it self.__member_map = mm return mm @property def member_map_available(self) -> bool: """Whether the member map is available yet.""" return self.__member_map is not None # Selection interface .....................................................
[docs] def isel( self, indexers: dict = None, *, drop: bool = False, combination_method: str = "auto", deep: bool = None, **indexers_kwargs, ) -> "xarray.DataArray": """Return a new labelled :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` with an index-selected subset of members of this group. If deep selection is activated, those indexers that are not available in the group-managed dimensions are looked up in the members of this group. .. note:: For data combination (via *any* ``combination_method``) dimensions that differ in size across group members have to be labelled, such that arrays can be aligned using xarray's :py:func:`xarray.align` function and the respective coordinates. See `the xarray documentation <>`__ for more information about coordinates. Args: indexers (dict, optional): A dict with keys matching dimensions and values given by scalars, slices or arrays of tick indices. As :py:meth:`xarray.DataArray.isel`, uses pandas-like indexing, i.e.: slices do not include the terminal value. drop (bool, optional): Whether to drop coordinate variables instead of making them scalar. combination_method (str, optional): How to combine group-level data with member-level data. Ignored if data from a single group member is selected, i.e. no data has to be combined. Can be: * ``concat``: Concatenate. This can preserve the dtype, but requires that no data is missing. * ``merge``: Merge, using :py:func:`xarray.merge`. This leads to a type conversion to ``float64``, but allows members being missing or coordinates not fully filling the available space. * ``try_concat``: Try concatenation, fall back to merging if that was unsuccessful. * ``auto``: Automatically deduce suitably combination method. Use ``merge`` if data is non-integer type and ``try_concat`` otherwise. .. note:: Selecting *all* data (by not passing any ``indexers``) can be significantly faster using the ``merge`` combination method than using the ``concat`` method. deep (bool, optional): Whether to allow deep indexing, i.e.: that ``indexers`` may contain dimensions that don't refer to group- level dimensions but to dimensions that are only availble among the member data. If ``None``, will use the value returned by the ``allow_deep_selection`` property. **indexers_kwargs: Additional indexers Returns: xarray.DataArray: The selected data, potentially a combination of data on group level and member-level data. """ idxrs, deep_idxrs = self._parse_indexers( indexers, allow_deep=deep, **indexers_kwargs ) return self._select( combination_method=combination_method, shallow_indexers=idxrs, deep_indexers=deep_idxrs, by_index=True, drop=drop, )
[docs] def sel( self, indexers: dict = None, *, method: str = None, tolerance: float = None, drop: bool = False, combination_method: str = "auto", deep: bool = None, **indexers_kwargs, ) -> "xarray.DataArray": """Return a new labelled :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` with a coordinate-selected subset of members of this group. If deep selection is activated, those indexers that are not available in the group-managed dimensions are looked up in the members of this group. .. note:: For data combination (via *any* ``combination_method``) dimensions that differ in size across group members have to be labelled, such that arrays can be aligned using xarray's :py:func:`xarray.align` function and the respective coordinates. See `the xarray documentation <>`__ for more information about coordinates. Args: indexers (dict, optional): A dict with keys matching dimensions and values given by scalars, slices or arrays of tick labels. As :py:meth:`xarray.DataArray.sel`, uses pandas-like indexing, i.e.: slices include the terminal value. method (str, optional): Method to use for inexact matches tolerance (float, optional): Maximum (absolute) distance between original and given label for inexact matches. drop (bool, optional): Whether to drop coordinate variables instead of making them scalar. combination_method (str, optional): How to combine group-level data with member-level data. Ignored if data from a single group member is selected, i.e. no data has to be combined. Can be: * ``concat``: Concatenate. This can preserve the dtype, but requires that no data is missing. * ``merge``: Merge, using :py:func:`xarray.merge`. This leads to a type conversion to ``float64``, but allows members being missing or coordinates not fully filling the available space. * ``try_concat``: Try concatenation, fall back to merging if that was unsuccessful. * ``auto``: Automatically deduce suitably combination method. Use ``merge`` if data is non-integer type and ``try_concat`` otherwise. .. note:: Selecting *all* data (by not passing any ``indexers``) can be significantly faster using the ``merge`` combination method than using the ``concat`` method. deep (bool, optional): Whether to allow deep indexing, i.e.: that ``indexers`` may contain dimensions that don't refer to group- level dimensions but to dimensions that are only availble among the member data. If ``None``, will use the value returned by the ``allow_deep_selection`` property. **indexers_kwargs: Additional indexers Returns: xarray.DataArray: The selected data, potentially a combination of data on group level and member-level data. """ idxrs, deep_idxrs = self._parse_indexers( indexers, allow_deep=deep, **indexers_kwargs ) return self._select( combination_method=combination_method, shallow_indexers=idxrs, deep_indexers=deep_idxrs, by_index=False, method=method, tolerance=tolerance, drop=drop, )
# Helpers ................................................................. # General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[docs] def _get_coords_of(self, obj: AbstractDataContainer) -> TCoordsDict: """Extract the coordinates for the given object using the :py:func:`~dantro.utils.coords.extract_coords` function. Args: obj (AbstractDataContainer): The object to get the coordinates of. Returns: TCoordsDict: The extracted coordinates """ # Depending on the mode, compile the dict of additional parameters kwargs = dict() if self._mode == "attrs": kwargs["coords_attr_prefix"] = self.LDG_COORDS_ATTR_PREFIX kwargs["mode_attr_prefix"] = self.LDG_COORDS_MODE_ATTR_PREFIX kwargs["default_mode"] = self.LDG_COORDS_MODE_DEFAULT kwargs["strict"] = self.LDG_STRICT_ATTR_CHECKING elif self._mode == "name": kwargs["separator"] = self.LDG_COORDS_SEPARATOR_IN_NAME return extract_coords(obj, dims=self._dims, mode=self._mode, **kwargs)
[docs] def _add_container_callback(self, cont: AbstractDataContainer) -> None: """Called by the base class after adding a container, this method checks whether the member map needs to be invalidated or whether the new container can be accomodated in it. If it can be accomodated, the member map will be adjusted such that for all coordinates associated with the given ``cont``, the member map points to the newly added container. Args: cont (AbstractDataContainer): The newly added container """ # First, let the parent class do its thing super()._add_container_callback(cont) # Don't have to do anything if there is no member map yet if not self.member_map_available: return # There is a map. Check if it can accomodate the new container coords = self._get_coords_of(cont) try: self.__member_map.loc[coords] = except Exception: # Cannot accomodate it -> invalidate it self.__member_map = None
# For selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[docs] def _parse_indexers( self, indexers: dict, *, allow_deep: bool, **indexers_kwargs ) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: """Parses the given indexer arguments and split them into indexers for the selection of group members and deep selection. Args: indexers (dict): The indexers dict, may be empty allow_deep (bool): Whether to allow deep selection **indexers_kwargs: Additional indexers Returns: Tuple[dict, dict]: (shallow indexers, deep indexers) Raises: ValueError: If deep indexers were given but deep selection was not enabled """ allow_deep = ( allow_deep if allow_deep is not None else self.allow_deep_selection ) idxrs = dict(**(indexers if indexers else {}), **indexers_kwargs) # Split by those for deep selection and those for this group deep_idxrs = {k: v for k, v in idxrs.items() if k not in self._dims} idxrs = {k: v for k, v in idxrs.items() if k in self._dims} if deep_idxrs and not allow_deep: _dim_names = ", ".join(self._dims) raise ValueError( f"Deep indexing is not allowed for {self.logstr}, but got " "indexers that don't match any of its dimension " f"names: {_dim_names}. You can change this behavior using " "the allow_deep_selection property or the class " "variable LDG_ALLOW_DEEP_SELECTION." ) return idxrs, deep_idxrs
[docs] def _get_cont( self, name: str, *, combination_method: str ) -> Union[XrDataContainer, None]: """Retrieve the container from the group. If no container could be found, returns None, which denotes that further processing should be skipped. Args: name (str): Name of the container to be extracted combination_method (str): How the container data will be combined Returns: Union[XrDataContainer, None]: The extracted container Raises: ItemAccessError: If ``combination_method == "concat"``, on invalid container name. """ try: cont = self[name] except KeyError as err: if combination_method != "concat": # Failing is ok. But cannot do anything else here return None # Otherwise, should raise! raise ItemAccessError( self, key=name, suffix=( "Make sure that the member can be found under this name " "or change the combination method to 'merge', " "'try_concat' or 'auto'." ), ) from err else: return cont
[docs] def _process_cont( self, cont, *, coords, shallow_indexers: dict, deep_indexers: dict, by_index: bool, drop: bool, **sel_kwargs, ) -> "xarray.DataArray": """Process the given container and coordinates into a data array; this applies selection along container dimensions that overlap with the group dimensions as well as deep selection. Args: cont: The container to be processed coords: The DataArrayCoordinates of the given container in the preselected member map. shallow_indexers (dict): Indexers that were used to preselect the member map. deep_indexers (dict): Indexers to be applied to the container by_index (bool): Whether to select by index drop (bool): Whether to drop coordinate variables instead of making them scalar. **sel_kwargs: Passed to :py:meth:`.sel`. Returns: xarray.DataArray: The processed container data Raises: ValueError: In ``name`` mode, on conflicting non-dimension container coordinates. """ def all_equal(x, y) -> bool: """Check element-wise equality of two arrays.""" try: if x.dtype.kind == "f" or y.dtype.kind == "f": # Compare floats using a small tolerance range and check # the shape separately as this is not done in np.allclose. return np.allclose(x, y) and x.shape == y.shape else: return np.array_equal(x, y) except Exception as exc: warnings.warn( f"Element-wise array comparison failed: {exc}. " f"Received:\nx: {x}\ny: {y}\n" "Treating them as not equal.", DantroWarning, ) return False # Apply the coordinates of the overlapping dimensions # (If there are none, select everything to get a DataArray) overlapping_indexers = { dim: coord for dim, coord in coords.items() if dim in cont.dims } darr = cont.sel(overlapping_indexers, drop=False) # The selection above is done with `drop=False`, because `coords` might # contain coordinates that were not passed as indexers to `.sel` or # `.isel` and therefore should not be dropped. # Apply the deep indexers if deep_indexers: if by_index: darr = darr.isel(deep_indexers, drop=drop) else: darr = darr.sel(deep_indexers, drop=drop, **sel_kwargs) # If the selection is done with `drop=True`, non-dimension coordinates # were already removed from `coords`. If there are overlapping # dimensions, these have to be applied again. dropped_shallow_indexers = { dim: coord for dim, coord in shallow_indexers.items() if dim not in coords and dim in cont.dims } if dropped_shallow_indexers: if by_index: darr = darr.isel(dropped_shallow_indexers, drop=drop) else: darr = darr.sel( dropped_shallow_indexers, drop=drop, **sel_kwargs ) # Finally, check for conflicting non-dimension coordinates in the # processed data-array (which were ignored for the selections above). # These can only exist in "name" mode. if self._mode == "name": confl_coords = { d: (darr.coords[d].values, coords[d].values) for d in coords if d in darr.coords and d not in darr.dims # Squeezing the coordinate array in `coords` since there might # be unsqueezed single coordinates in `coords` (e.g. when # prepared via `xr.DataArray.where`) that should also be # checked. and not all_equal(darr.coords[d], coords[d].squeeze()) } if confl_coords: # Provide some information on the conflicting coords infostr = ( "\n" r"Name: {name}" "\n" r"Group-level coordinate: {c_grp}" "\n" r"Member-level coordinate: {c_mem}" ) suffix = "\n".join( [ infostr.format(name=k, c_grp=v[1], c_mem=v[0]) for k, v in confl_coords.items() ] ) raise ValueError( "Conflicting non-dimension coordinate" f"{'s' if len(confl_coords) > 1 else ''} found within a " f"member of {self.logstr}:\n" + suffix ) return darr
[docs] def _select( self, *, combination_method: str, shallow_indexers: dict, deep_indexers: dict, by_index: bool, drop: bool, **sel_kwargs, ) -> "xarray.DataArray": """Preselect the member map (if needed) and designate a suitable method for further processing and selection based on the given combination method and indexers. If possible, take shortcuts when selecting all data or when selecting data from a single group member. Args: combination_method (str): How to combine the member data. shallow_indexers (dict): Indexers to be applied on the group-level. deep_indexers (dict): Indexers to be applied on the member-level only. by_index (bool): Whether to select by index. drop (bool): Whether to drop coordinate variables instead of making them scalar. **sel_kwargs: Passed to :py:meth:`.sel`. Returns: xarray.DataArray: The selected data. Raises: ValueError: On invalid ``combination_method``. """ # Resolve the `auto` combination method. Don't merge integer type data # because xr.merge changes the dtype to float. if combination_method == "auto": if any([cont.dtype.kind == "i" for cont in self.values()]): combination_method = "try_concat" else: combination_method = "merge" elif combination_method not in ["concat", "merge", "try_concat"]: raise ValueError( f"Invalid combination_method argument: {combination_method}! " "Available methods: try_concat, concat, merge, auto." ) select_all = not shallow_indexers and not deep_indexers if select_all and combination_method == "merge": try: return self._select_all_merge() except Exception as exc: log.warning( "Failed all-selection by directly merging all group " "member data with %s: %s. Attempting selection via the " "member map ...", exc.__class__.__name__, exc, ) # Pre-select the member map. Use the shallow indexers to select those # group members that contain the data to be selected. if by_index: cont_names = self.member_map.isel(shallow_indexers, drop=drop) else: cont_names = self.member_map.sel( shallow_indexers, drop=drop, **sel_kwargs ) # If the preselected member map contains only a single entry or single # invalid entry, no data combination will have to be done, i.e. no # `combination_method` needs to be applied. This can speed up the # computation time a lot. if cont_names.size == 1 or (cont_names != "").sum() == 1: return self._select_single( cont_names, shallow_indexers=shallow_indexers, deep_indexers=deep_indexers, by_index=by_index, drop=drop, **sel_kwargs, ) return self._select_generic( cont_names, combination_method=combination_method, shallow_indexers=shallow_indexers, deep_indexers=deep_indexers, by_index=by_index, drop=drop, **sel_kwargs, )
[docs] def _select_single( self, cont_names: "xarray.DataArray", shallow_indexers: dict, deep_indexers: dict, by_index: bool, drop: bool, **sel_kwargs, ) -> "xarray.DataArray": """Select data from a single group member. Expects the preselected member map to contain only a single valid container name. """ if cont_names.size == 1: # Select the group member directly. cont = self[cont_names.item()] # Applying squeeze here is equivalent to selecting the single # entry, since no dimension is of size > 1. coords = cont_names.squeeze().coords else: # Find the valid container name, then extract container and coords single_name = cont_names.where(cont_names != "", drop=True) cont = self[single_name.item()] coords = single_name.coords # Process the container into a DataArray. darr = self._process_cont( cont, coords=coords, shallow_indexers=shallow_indexers, deep_indexers=deep_indexers, by_index=by_index, drop=drop, **sel_kwargs, ) # Pass on 1D dimensions with the coordinate information darr = darr.expand_dims( { d: ([c.values] if c.ndim == 0 else c.values) for d, c in coords.items() if d in cont_names.dims and d not in darr.dims } ) if self._mode == "name": # Pass on non-dimension coordinates darr = darr.assign_coords( { d: c.values for d, c in coords.items() if d not in cont_names.dims and d not in darr.coords } ) return darr
[docs] def _select_all_merge(self) -> "xarray.DataArray": """Select all group data by directly merging all containers. This circumvents building the member map. This might fail, e.g. if there are conflicting or duplicate coordinates. """ # Create an array holding the containers (as datasets). dsets = np.zeros((len(self),), dtype="object") for idx, name in enumerate(self.keys()): cont = self[name].sel() # calling `sel` to get a DataArray # In 'name' mode, expand the containers by the group dimension(s). # By applying `.expand_dims` with the group-level coordinates, no # additional checks for conflicting coordinates are required here, # because if any of the group-level dims already exists in the # container, `.expand_dims` throws and the whole selection will # fall back to the generic (`member_map`-based) selection ... if self._mode == "name": cont = cont.expand_dims(self._get_coords_of(cont)) dsets[idx] = cont.to_dataset(name="_tmp_dset_name") # Now, merge all group members darr = self._combine_by_merge(dsets)["_tmp_dset_name"] = None return darr
[docs] def _select_generic( self, cont_names: "xarray.DataArray", *, combination_method: str, shallow_indexers: dict, deep_indexers: dict, by_index: bool, drop: bool, **sel_kwargs, ) -> "xarray.DataArray": """Select data from group members using the given indexers and combine it via the specified method. If deep indexers are given, apply the deep indexing on each of the members. This method receives a labelled array of container names, on which the selection already took place. The aim is now to align the objects these names refer to, including their coordinates, and thereby construct an array that contains both the dimensions given by the ``cont_names`` array and each members' data dimensions. Available combination methods are based either on :py:func:`xarray.merge` operations or :py:func:`xarray.concat` along each dimension. For both these combination methods, the members of this group need to be prepared such that the operation can be applied, i.e.: they need to already be in an array capable of that operation and they need to directly or indirectly preserve coordinate information. For that purpose, an object-array is constructed holding the processed member data. As the :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` and :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` types have issues with handling array-like objects in object arrays, this is done via a :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`. Args: cont_names (xarray.DataArray): The pre-selected member map object, i.e. a labelled array containing names of the desired members that are to be combined. combination_method (str): How to combine them: ``concat``, ``try_concat``, or ``merge``. Concatenation will allow preserving the dtype of the underlying data. shallow_indexers (dict): Indexer arguments that were used for the group member selection. deep_indexers (dict): Indexer arguments for deep selection to be done before combination. by_index (bool): Whether the deep indexing should take place by index; if False, will use label-based selection. **sel_kwargs: Passed on to :py:meth:`.sel`. Returns: xarray.Dataset: The selected data of the members from ``cont_names``, combined using the given combination method. Raises: ValueError: On conflicting coordinate information on group-level and member-level. KeyError: In ``concat`` mode, upon missing members. """ # While in `concat` mode each _point_ in the member map has to be # processed separately (in order to get the alignment of the # concatenation dimensions right), in `merge` mode the preprocessing # can be done container-wise. For that, get the set of container names. # (For self._mode=="name" no container can appear twice in the member # map). names_unique = None if combination_method == "merge" and self._mode != "name": names_unique = np.unique(cont_names) # In order to do container-wise preprocessing, `xr.DataArray.where` is # used to find all member map entries belonging to the same container. # This is only more efficient than iterating over the whole member map # if each container holds at least two data points on average. if ( names_unique is not None and cont_names.size > len(names_unique) * self._COLLECTIVE_SELECT_THRESHOLD ): dsets = np.zeros(len(names_unique), dtype="object") dsets.fill(dict()) # placeholders, ignored in xr.merge for idx, name in enumerate(names_unique): # Get the corresponding member container cont = self._get_cont( name, combination_method=combination_method ) # Might not have been found; go to the next iteration if cont is None: continue # Get the coordinates for this member container and further # process the container into a DataArray. coords = cont_names.where(cont_names == name, drop=True).coords darr = self._process_cont( cont, coords=coords, shallow_indexers=shallow_indexers, deep_indexers=deep_indexers, by_index=by_index, drop=drop, **sel_kwargs, ) # As it's easier to work on Datasets than on DataArray-like # objects, create a dataset from the container, using a # temporary name which will later be used to resolve it back to # a DataArray. dset = darr.to_dataset(name="_tmp_dset_name") # Now, need to expand the dimensions to accomodate the # coordinates. (Important for concatenation!) # Add the new dimensions in front and assign coordinates to # them. dset = dset.expand_dims( { d: ([c.values] if c.ndim == 0 else c.values) for d, c in coords.items() if d in cont_names.dims # only for actual dimensions and d not in dset.dims } ) # NOTE While this creates a non-shallow copy of the data, there # is no other way of doing this: a copy can only be # avoided if the DataArray can re-use the existing # variables – for the changes it needs to do to expand the # dims, however, it will necessarily need to create a copy # of the original data. Thus, we might as well let xarray # take care of that instead of bothering with that # ourselves ... # Done. Store it in the object-array of datasets dsets[idx] = dset else: # Else, iterate over each point in the preselected member map... dsets = np.zeros(cont_names.shape, dtype="object") dsets.fill(dict()) # placeholders, ignored in xr.merge # Create an iterator over the container names (mirrors dsets # iteration) names_iter = np.nditer( cont_names, flags=("multi_index", "refs_ok") ) for name in names_iter: # Get the corresponding member container cont = self._get_cont( name.item(), combination_method=combination_method ) # Might not have been found; go to the next iteration if cont is None: continue # Get the coordinates for this member container and further # process the container into a DataArray. coords = cont_names[names_iter.multi_index].coords darr = self._process_cont( cont, coords=coords, shallow_indexers=shallow_indexers, deep_indexers=deep_indexers, by_index=by_index, drop=drop, **sel_kwargs, ) # The resulting array matches only a single coordinate # combination, i.e. one _point_ in the space spanned by # self.member_map.coords. # This operation _might_ increase memory usage temporarily, # because data from the same member is accessed multiple times # and only one coordinate combination is extracted from it # (instead of selecting all at once; which would however # require a different architecture and not allow using the # convenient xarray interface). # Convert to Dataset for easier processing dset = darr.to_dataset(name="_tmp_dset_name") # Expand the dimensions to accomodate the coordinates. # (Important for concatenation!) dset = dset.expand_dims( { d: ([c.values] if c.ndim == 0 else c.values) for d, c in coords.items() if d in cont_names.dims # only for actual dimensions and d not in dset.dims } ) # Assign non-dimension coordinates if self._mode == "name": dset = dset.assign_coords( { d: c.values for d, c in coords.items() if d not in cont_names.dims # If the coordinate is already there, don't try to # assign it. The check for conflicting coords # ensures that it's correct. and d not in dset.coords } ) # Done. Store it in the object-array of datasets dsets[names_iter.multi_index] = dset # Now ready to combine them. if combination_method == "concat": dset = self._combine_by_concatenation(dsets, dims=cont_names.dims) elif combination_method == "merge": dset = self._combine_by_merge(dsets) else: # else, "try_concat" try: dset = self._combine_by_concatenation( dsets, dims=cont_names.dims ) except Exception as exc: # NOTE The exception is now something other than a member # missing, i.e. some numerical issue during concatenation # Try again with merging ... log.warning( "Failed concatenation with %s: %s. Attempting merge ...", exc.__class__.__name__, exc, ) dset = self._combine_by_merge(dsets) # Combined into one dataset now, with '_tmp_dset_name' data variable... # Convert back into a DataArray; can drop the temporary name now. darr = dset["_tmp_dset_name"] = None return darr
[docs] @classmethod def _combine_by_merge(cls, dsets: np.ndarray) -> "xarray.Dataset": """Combine the given datasets by merging using xarray's :py:func:`xarray.merge`. Args: dsets (numpy.ndarray): The ``object``-dtype array of :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` objects that are to be combined. Returns: xarray.Dataset: All datasets, aligned and combined via :py:func:`xarray.merge` """ log.debug("Combining %d datasets by merging ...", dsets.size) dset = xr.merge(dsets.flat) log.debug("Merge successful.") return dset
[docs] @classmethod def _combine_by_concatenation( cls, dsets: np.ndarray, *, dims: TDims ) -> "xarray.Dataset": """Combine the given datasets by concatenation using xarray's :py:func:`xarray.concat` and subsequent application along all dimensions specified in ``dims``. Args: dsets (numpy.ndarray): The object-dtype array of :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` objects that are to be combined by concatenation. dims (TDims): The dimension names corresponding to *all* the dimensions of the ``dsets`` array. Returns: xarray.Dataset: The dataset resulting from the concatenation """ log.debug( "Combining %d datasets by concatenation along %d dimension%s ...", dsets.size, len(dsets.shape), "s" if len(dsets.shape) != 1 else "", ) # Go over all dimensions and concatenate # This effectively reduces the dsets array by one dimension in each # iteration by applying the xr.concat function along the axis # NOTE np.apply_along_axis would be what is desired here, but that # function unfortunately tries to cast objects to np.arrays # which is not what we want here at all! # Thus, there is one implemented in ... for dim_idx, dim_name in reversed(list(enumerate(dims))): log.debug( "Concatenating along axis '%s' (axis # %d) ...", dim_name, dim_idx, ) dsets = apply_along_axis( xr.concat, axis=dim_idx, arr=dsets, dim=dim_name ) log.debug("Concatenation successful.") # The single item in the now scalar array is the combined xr.Dataset return dsets.item()