Source code for dantro.base

"""This module implements the base classes of dantro, based on the abstract
classes implemented in :py:mod:``.

The base classes are classes that combine features of the abstract classes.
For example, the data group gains attribute functionality by being a
combination of the :py:class:`` and the
:py:class:`.BaseDataContainer`. In turn, the :py:class:`.BaseDataContainer`
uses the :py:class:`.BaseDataAttrs` class as an attribute and thereby extends
the :py:class:`` class.

.. note::

    These classes are not meant to be instantiated but used as a *basis* to
    implement more specialized :py:class:`.BaseDataGroup`- or
    :py:class:`.BaseDataContainer`-derived classes.

import abc
import copy
import inspect
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from .abc import (
from .exceptions import ExistingDataError, ExistingGroupError, ItemAccessError
from .mixins import (

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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[docs]class BaseDataProxy(AbstractDataProxy): """The base class for data proxies. .. note:: This is still an abstract class and needs to be subclassed. """ _tags: tuple = tuple() """Associated tags. These are empty by default and may also be overwritten in the object. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, obj: Any = None): """Initialize a proxy object for the given object.""" if obj is not None: log.trace("Initialising %s for %s ...", self.classname, type(obj)) else: log.trace("Initialising %s ...", self.classname)
@property def tags(self) -> Tuple[str]: """The tags describing this proxy object""" return self._tags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class BaseDataAttrs(MappingAccessMixin, AbstractDataAttrs): """A class to store attributes that belong to a data container. This implements a dict-like interface and serves as default attribute class. .. note:: Unlike the other base classes, this can already be instantiated. That is required as it is needed in BaseDataContainer where no previous subclassing or mixin is reasonable. """
[docs] def __init__(self, attrs: Dict[str, Any] = None, **dc_kwargs): """Initialize a DataAttributes object. Args: attrs (Dict[str, Any], optional): The attributes to store **dc_kwargs: Further kwargs to the parent DataContainer """ # Make sure it is a dict; initialize empty if empty attrs = dict(attrs) if attrs else {} super().__init__(data=attrs, **dc_kwargs)
# .........................................................................
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Returns a shallow copy of the data attributes as a dict""" return {k: v for k, v in self.items()}
# ......................................................................... # Magic methods and iterators for convenient dict-like access
[docs] def _format_info(self) -> str: """A __format__ helper function: returns info about these attributes""" return f"{len(self)} attribute(s)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class BaseDataContainer( AttrsMixin, SizeOfMixin, BasicComparisonMixin, AbstractDataContainer, ): """The BaseDataContainer extends the abstract base class by the ability to hold attributes and be path-aware. """ _ATTRS_CLS: type = BaseDataAttrs """The class to use for storing attributes"""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, name: str, data: Any, attrs: Dict[str, Any] = None, parent: "AbstractDataGroup" = None, ): """Initialize a BaseDataContainer, which can store data and attributes. Args: name (str): The name of this data container data (Any): The data to store in this container attrs (Dict[str, Any], optional): A mapping that is stored as data attributes. parent (AbstractDataGroup, optional): If known, the parent group, which can be used to extract information during initialization. Note that linking occurs only after the container was added to the parent group using the :py:meth:`~dantro.base.BaseDataGroup.add` method. The child object is not responsible of linking or adding itself to the group. """ # Initialize via parent, then additionally store attributes super().__init__(name=name, data=data) self.attrs = attrs
[docs] def _format_info(self) -> str: """A __format__ helper function: returns info about the content of this data container. """ return "{} attribute{}".format( len(self.attrs), "s" if len(self.attrs) != 1 else "" )
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class BaseDataGroup( LockDataMixin, AttrsMixin, SizeOfMixin, BasicComparisonMixin, DirectInsertionModeMixin, AbstractDataGroup, ): """The BaseDataGroup serves as base group for all data groups. It implements all functionality expected of a group, which is much more than what is expected of a general container. """ _ATTRS_CLS: type = BaseDataAttrs """Which class to use for storing attributes""" _STORAGE_CLS: type = dict """The mapping type that is used to store the members of this group.""" _NEW_GROUP_CLS: type = None """Which class to use when creating a new group via :py:meth:`.new_group`. If None, the type of the current instance is used for the new group.""" _NEW_CONTAINER_CLS: type = None """Which class to use for creating a new container via call to the :py:meth:`.new_container` method. If None, the type needs to be specified explicitly in the method call. """ _DATA_GROUP_CLASSES: Dict[str, type] = None """Mapping from strings to available data group types. Used in string-based lookup of group types in :py:meth:`.new_group`. """ _DATA_CONTAINER_CLASSES: Dict[str, type] = None """Mapping from strings to available data container types. Used in string-based lookup of container types in :py:meth:`.new_container`. """ _ALLOWED_CONT_TYPES: Optional[tuple] = None """The types that are allowed to be stored in this group. If None, all types derived from the dantro base classes are allowed. This applies to both containers and groups that are added to this group. .. hint:: To add the type of the current object, add a string entry ``self`` to the tuple. This will be resolved to ``type(self)`` at invocation. """ _COND_TREE_MAX_LEVEL = 10 """Condensed tree representation maximum level""" _COND_TREE_CONDENSE_THRESH = 10 """Condensed tree representation threshold parameter""" # .........................................................................
[docs] def __init__( self, *, name: str, containers: list = None, attrs=None, parent: "AbstractDataGroup" = None, ): """Initialize a BaseDataGroup, which can store other containers and attributes. Args: name (str): The name of this data container containers (list, optional): The containers that are to be stored as members of this group. If given, these are added one by one using the `.add` method. attrs (None, optional): A mapping that is stored as attributes parent (AbstractDataGroup, optional): If known, the parent group, which can be used to extract information during initialization. Note that linking occurs only after the group was added to the parent group, i.e. *after* initialization finished. """ # Prepare the storage class that is used to store the members data = self._STORAGE_CLS() # Initialize via parent and store attributes super().__init__(name=name, data=data) self.attrs = attrs # Now add the member containers if containers is not None: self.add(*containers)
# ......................................................................... # Item access and manipulation
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: Union[str, List[str]]) -> AbstractDataContainer: """Looks up the given key and returns the corresponding item. This supports recursive *relative* lookups in two ways: * By supplying a path as a string that includes the path separator. For example, ``foo/bar/spam`` walks down the tree along the given path segments. * By directly supplying a key sequence, i.e. a list or tuple of key strings. With the last path segment, it *is* possible to access an element that is no longer part of the data tree; successive lookups thus need to use the interface of the corresponding leaf object of the data tree. Absolute lookups, i.e. from path ``/foo/bar``, are **not** possible! Lookup complexity is that of the underlying data structure: for groups based on dict-like storage containers, lookups happen in constant time. .. note:: This method aims to replicate the behavior of POSIX paths. Thus, it can also be used to access the element itself or the parent element: Use ``.`` to refer to this object and ``..`` to access this object's ``parent``. Args: key (Union[str, List[str]]): The name of the object to retrieve or a path via which it can be found in the data tree. Returns: AbstractDataContainer: The object at ``key``, which concurs to the dantro tree interface. Raises: ItemAccessError: If no object could be found at the given ``key`` or if an absolute lookup, starting with ``/``, was attempted. """ if isinstance(key, str): key_seq = key.split(PATH_JOIN_CHAR) else: # Assume it is list-like ... that's all we need to assume here. key_seq = key # Do not allow absolute lookups or empty arguments if not key_seq or (key_seq and not key_seq[0]): _key = PATH_JOIN_CHAR.join(key_seq) raise ItemAccessError( self, key=_key, show_hints=False, suffix=( "Can only do relative lookups! Remove the leading '/' " "from the given path or make sure that the given key " f"sequence ({key_seq}) does not start with an element " "that evaluates to False." ), ) # Remove any empty elements to allow paths like foo////bar key_seq = [seg for seg in key_seq if seg] # Now can be sure that there is at least one segment in the path # Have three cases now ... # ... next item is this item if key_seq[0] == ".": item = self # ... next item is the parent item elif key_seq[0] == "..": if self.parent is None: raise ItemAccessError( self, key="..", show_hints=False, suffix="No parent associated.", ) item = self.parent # ... next item is a downstream item else: try: item = self._data[key_seq[0]] except (KeyError, IndexError) as err: _key = PATH_JOIN_CHAR.join(key_seq) raise ItemAccessError(self, key=_key) from err # If there was only one key, this is the end of the recursion. if len(key_seq) == 1: return item # Otherwise, we have to recursively continue with the key lookup ... # NOTE There deliberately is no error handling here. Further errors # should be handled by the *next* item, because *so far*, all the # item access was successful. return item[key_seq[1:]]
[docs] def __setitem__( self, key: Union[str, List[str]], val: BaseDataContainer ) -> None: """This method is used to allow access to the content of containers of this group. For adding an element to this group, use the `add` method! Args: key (Union[str, List[str]]): The key to which to set the value. If this is a path, will recurse down to the lowest level. Note that all intermediate keys need to be present. val (BaseDataContainer): The value to set Returns: None Raises: ValueError: If trying to add an element to this group, which should be done via the `add` method. """ if not isinstance(key, list): key = key.split(PATH_JOIN_CHAR) # Depending on length of the key sequence, start recursion or not if len(key) > 1: self._data[key[0]][key[1:]] = val return # else: end of recursion, i.e. the path led to an item of this group # This operation is not allowed, as the add method should be used # That method takes care that the name this element is registered with # is equal to that of the registered object raise ValueError( f"{self.logstr} cannot carry out __setitem__ operation for the " f"given key '{key}'. Note that to add a group or container to " "the group, the `add` method should be used." )
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: """Deletes an item from the group""" if not isinstance(key, list): # Assuming this is a string ... key = key.split(PATH_JOIN_CHAR) # Can be sure that this is a list now # If there is more than one entry, need to call this recursively if len(key) > 1: # Continue recursion del self._data[key[0]][key[1:]] return # else: end of recursion: delete and unlink this container # ... if it is not locked self.raise_if_locked() cont = self._data[key[0]] del self._data[key[0]] self._unlink_child(cont)
[docs] def add(self, *conts, overwrite: bool = False): """Add the given containers to this group.""" for cont in conts: self._add_container(cont, overwrite=overwrite) log.trace("Added %d container(s) to %s.", len(conts), self.logstr)
[docs] def _add_container(self, cont, *, overwrite: bool): """Private helper method to add a container to this group.""" # Data may not be locked self.raise_if_locked() # Check the allowed types if self._ALLOWED_CONT_TYPES is None and not isinstance( cont, (BaseDataGroup, BaseDataContainer) ): raise TypeError( "Can only add BaseDataGroup- or BaseDataContainer-derived" f" objects to {self.logstr}, got {type(cont)}!" ) elif self._ALLOWED_CONT_TYPES is not None: allowed_types = [ t if t != "self" else type(self) for t in self._ALLOWED_CONT_TYPES ] if not isinstance(cont, tuple(allowed_types)): raise TypeError( "Can only add objects derived from the following " f"classes: {allowed_types}. Got: {type(cont)}" ) # else: is of correct type # Check if one like this already exists old_cont = None if in self: if not overwrite: raise ExistingDataError( f"{self.logstr} already has a member with " f"name '{}', cannot add {cont}." ) log.debug( "A member '%s' of %s already exists and will be " "overwritten ...",, self.logstr, ) old_cont = self[] # Allow for subclasses to perform further custom checks on the # container object before adding it self._check_cont(cont) # Write to data, assuring that the name matches that of the container self._add_container_to_data(cont) self._add_container_callback(cont) # Re-link the containers self._link_child(new_child=cont, old_child=old_cont)
[docs] def _check_cont(self, cont) -> None: """Can be used by a subclass to check a container before adding it to this group. Is called by _add_container before checking whether the object exists or not. This is not expected to return, but can raise errors, if something did not work out as expected. Args: cont: The container to check """ pass
[docs] def _add_container_to_data(self, cont: AbstractDataContainer) -> None: """Performs the operation of adding the container to the _data. This can be used by subclasses to make more elaborate things while adding data, e.g. specify ordering ... NOTE This method should NEVER be called on its own, but only via the _add_container method, which takes care of properly linking the container that is to be added. NOTE After adding, the container need be reachable under its .name! Args: cont: The container to add """ # Just add it via _data.__setitem__, using the container's name self._data[] = cont
[docs] def _add_container_callback(self, cont) -> None: """Called after a container was added.""" pass
[docs] def new_container( self, path: Union[str, List[str]], *, Cls: Union[type, str] = None, GroupCls: Union[type, str] = None, _target_is_group: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> "BaseDataContainer": """Creates a new container of type ``Cls`` and adds it at the given path relative to this group. If needed, intermediate groups are automatically created. Args: path (Union[str, List[str]]): Where to add the container. Cls (Union[type, str], optional): The type of the target container (or group) that is to be added. If None, will use the type set in ``_NEW_CONTAINER_CLS`` class variable. If a string is given, the type is looked up in the container type registry. GroupCls (Union[type, str], optional): Like ``Cls`` but used for intermediate group types only. _target_is_group (bool, optional): Internally used variable. If True, will look up the ``Cls`` type via :py:meth:`._determine_group_type` instead of :py:meth:`._determine_container_type`. **kwargs: passed on to ``Cls.__init__`` Returns: BaseDataContainer: The created container of type ``Cls`` """ # Make sure the path is a list and of valid content if isinstance(path, str): path = path.split(PATH_JOIN_CHAR) path = list(path) if not path or not path[0]: raise ValueError(f"`path` argument may not be empty! Got: {path}") # Check whether recursion ends here, i.e.: the path ends here if len(path) == 1: if not _target_is_group: Cls = self._determine_container_type(Cls) else: Cls = self._determine_group_type(Cls) # Create the container and add it # Let the container know about its parent here, in case it needs to # do setup steps depending on that. However, linking etc will not # be done there but in the `add` call after that. cont = Cls(name=path[0], parent=self, **kwargs) self.add(cont) return cont # -- Recursive branch # Need to split off the front section and continue grp_name, new_path = path[0], path[1:] # Retrieve the group, creating it if it does not exist if grp_name not in self: # Use the group class for intermediate paths. # grp_name being a single string will lead into the non-recursive # branch of this method again. grp = self.new_group(grp_name, Cls=GroupCls) else: grp = self[grp_name] if not isinstance(grp, BaseDataGroup): raise ExistingDataError( f"Tried to create a new group '{grp_name}' in " f"{self.logstr}, but a container was already stored " "at that path." ) # Can now create the container, potentially recursively creating more # intermediate groups along the path ... return grp.new_container( new_path, Cls=Cls, GroupCls=GroupCls, _target_is_group=_target_is_group, **kwargs, )
[docs] def new_group( self, path: Union[str, List[str]], *, Cls: Union[type, str] = None, GroupCls: Union[type, str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> "BaseDataGroup": """Creates a new group at the given path. Args: path (Union[str, List[str]]): The path to create the group at. If necessary, intermediate paths will be created. Cls (Union[type, str], optional): If given, use this type to create the target group. If not given, uses the class specified in the ``_NEW_GROUP_CLS`` class variable or (if a string) the one from the group type registry. .. note:: This argument is evaluated at each segment of the ``path`` by the corresponding object in the tree. Subsequently, the types need to be available at the desired GroupCls (Union[type, str], optional): Like ``Cls``, but this applies only to the creation of intermediate groups. **kwargs: Passed on to ``Cls.__init__`` Returns: BaseDataGroup: The created group of type ``Cls`` """ # Use container method to create the entry. Recursion happens there. return self.new_container( path, Cls=Cls, GroupCls=GroupCls, _target_is_group=True, **kwargs )
[docs] def recursive_update(self, other, *, overwrite: bool = True): """Recursively updates the contents of this data group with the entries of the given data group .. note:: This will create *shallow* copies of those elements in ``other`` that are added to this object. Args: other (BaseDataGroup): The group to update with overwrite (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite already existing object. If False, a conflict will lead to an error being raised and the update being stopped. Raises: TypeError: If ``other`` was of invalid type """ if not isinstance(other, BaseDataGroup): raise TypeError( f"Can only update {self.logstr} with objects of classes that " f"are derived from BaseDataGroup. Got: {type(other)}" ) # Loop over the given DataGroup for name, obj in other.items(): # Distinguish between the case where it is another group and where # it is a container if isinstance(obj, BaseDataGroup): # Already a group -> if a group with the same name is already # present, continue recursion. If not, just create an entry # and add it to this group if name in self: # Continue recursion self[name].recursive_update(obj, overwrite=overwrite) else: # Can add the object, but need to detach the parent first # and thus need to work on a copy obj = copy.copy(obj) obj.parent = None self.add(obj, overwrite=overwrite) else: # Not a group; add a shallow copy obj = copy.copy(obj) obj.parent = None self.add(obj, overwrite=overwrite) log.debug("Finished recursive update of %s.", self.logstr)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears all containers from this group. This is done by unlinking all children and then overwriting ``_data`` with an empty ``_STORAGE_CLS`` object. """ for child in self.values(): self._unlink_child(child) self._data = self._STORAGE_CLS() log.debug("%s cleared.", self.logstr)
# .........................................................................
[docs] def _determine_container_type(self, Cls: Union[type, str]) -> type: """Helper function to determine the type to use for a new container. Args: Cls (Union[type, str]): If None, uses the ``_NEW_CONTAINER_CLS`` class variable. If a string, tries to extract it from the class variable ``_DATA_CONTAINER_CLASSES`` dict. Otherwise, assumes this is already a type. Returns: type: The container class to use Raises: ValueError: If the string class name was not registered AttributeError: If no default class variable was set """ default = getattr(self, "_NEW_CONTAINER_CLS", None) Cls = self._determine_type( Cls, default=default, registry=getattr(self, "_DATA_CONTAINER_CLASSES", None), ) if inspect.isclass(Cls) and not issubclass( Cls, (BaseDataContainer, BaseDataGroup) ): raise TypeError( "Expected a subclass of BaseDataContainer or BaseDataGroup, " f"got {Cls}." ) return Cls
[docs] def _determine_group_type(self, Cls: Union[type, str]) -> type: """Helper function to determine the type to use for a new group. Args: Cls (Union[type, str]): If None, uses the ``_NEW_GROUP_CLS`` class variable. If that one is not set, uses ``type(self)``. If a string, tries to extract it from the class variable ``_DATA_GROUP_CLASSES`` dict. Otherwise, assumes ``Cls`` is already a type. Returns: type: The group class to use Raises: ValueError: If the string class name was not registered AttributeError: If no default class variable was set """ default = getattr(self, "_NEW_GROUP_CLS", None) if default is None: default = type(self) Cls = self._determine_type( Cls, default=default, registry=getattr(self, "_DATA_GROUP_CLASSES", None), ) # Need to catch the case where a non-group class was given if inspect.isclass(Cls) and not issubclass(Cls, BaseDataGroup): raise TypeError( f"Expected a subclass of BaseDataGroup, got {Cls}." ) return Cls
[docs] def _determine_type( self, T: Union[type, str], *, default: type, registry: Dict[str, type] ) -> type: """Helper function to determine a type by name, falling back to a default type or looking it up from a dict-like registry if it is a string.""" if T is None: if not default: raise AttributeError( f"Missing default container type for {self.logstr}!" ) return default if not isinstance(T, type): cls_name = T if registry is None: raise AttributeError( f"No type registry available for {self.logstr}! Cannot " f"look up type by name '{cls_name}'." ) elif cls_name not in registry: _avail = "\n".join(f" {k}: {v}" for k, v in registry.items()) raise ValueError( f"The given class name '{cls_name}' was not registered " f"with this {self.classname}!\nAvailable types:\n{_avail}" ) # everything ok, retrieve the class type return registry[cls_name] # else: assume it is already a type and just return the given argument return T
# ......................................................................... # Linking: For correct child-parent linking, some helper methods # ......................................................................... # Information
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """The number of members in this group.""" return len(self._data)
[docs] def __contains__(self, cont: Union[str, AbstractDataContainer]) -> bool: """Whether the given container is in this group or not. If this is a data tree object, it will be checked whether this *specific* instance is part of the group, using ``is``-comparison. Otherwise, assumes that ``cont`` is a valid argument to the :py:meth:`~dantro.base.BaseDataGroup.__getitem__` method (a key or key sequence) and tries to access the item at that path, returning ``True`` if this succeeds and ``False`` if not. Lookup complexity is that of item lookup (scalar) for both name and object lookup. Args: cont (Union[str, AbstractDataContainer]): The name of the container, a path, or an object to check via identity comparison. Returns: bool: Whether the given container object is part of this group or whether the given path is accessible from this group. """ if isinstance(cont, AbstractDataContainer): # Case: look for the specific object instance # Don't iterate, as this scales badly; instead retrieve the name # and do the identiy lookup afterwards _cont = self.get( if _cont is None: return False return _cont is cont # Otherwise: look for an object reachable at this path ... try: self[cont] except Exception: return False return True
[docs] def _ipython_key_completions_(self) -> List[str]: """For ipython integration, return a list of available keys""" return list(self.keys())
# ......................................................................... # Iteration
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Returns an iterator over the OrderedDict""" return iter(self._data)
[docs] def keys(self): """Returns an iterator over the container names in this group.""" return self._data.keys()
[docs] def values(self): """Returns an iterator over the containers in this group.""" return self._data.values()
[docs] def items(self): """Returns an iterator over the (name, data container) tuple of this group.""" return self._data.items()
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """Return the container at `key`, or `default` if container with name `key` is not available.""" return self._data.get(key, default)
[docs] def setdefault(self, key, default=None): """This method is not supported for a data group""" raise NotImplementedError( f"setdefault is not supported by {self.classname}! Use the " "`add` method or `new_group` and `new_container` to add elements." )
# ......................................................................... # Formatting @property def tree(self) -> str: """Returns the default (full) tree representation of this group""" return self._tree_repr() @property def tree_condensed(self) -> str: """Returns the condensed tree representation of this group. Uses the ``_COND_TREE_*`` prefixed class attributes as parameters. """ return self._tree_repr( max_level=self._COND_TREE_MAX_LEVEL, condense_thresh=self._COND_TREE_CONDENSE_THRESH, )
[docs] def _format_info(self) -> str: """A __format__ helper function: returns an info string that is used to characterize this object. Does NOT include name and classname! """ return "{} member{}, {} attribute{}".format( len(self), "s" if len(self) != 1 else "", len(self.attrs), "s" if len(self.attrs) != 1 else "", )
[docs] def _format_tree(self) -> str: """Returns the default tree representation of this group by invoking the .tree property """ return self.tree
[docs] def _format_tree_condensed(self) -> str: """Returns the default tree representation of this group by invoking the .tree property """ return self.tree_condensed
[docs] def _tree_repr( self, *, level: int = 0, max_level: int = None, info_fstr="<{:cls_name,info}>", info_ratio: float = 0.6, condense_thresh: Union[int, Callable[[int, int], int]] = None, total_item_count: int = 0, ) -> Union[str, List[str]]: """Recursively creates a multi-line string tree representation of this group. This is used by, e.g., the _format_tree method. Args: level (int, optional): The depth within the tree max_level (int, optional): The maximum depth within the tree; recursion is not continued beyond this level. info_fstr (str, optional): The format string for the info string info_ratio (float, optional): The width ratio of the whole line width that the info string takes condense_thresh (Union[int, Callable[[int, int], int]], optional): If given, this specifies the threshold beyond which the tree view for the current element becomes condensed by hiding the output for some elements. The minimum value for this is 3, indicating that there should be at most 3 lines be generated from this level (excluding the lines coming from recursion), i.e.: two elements and one line for indicating how many values are hidden. If a smaller value is given, this is silently brought up to 3. Half of the elements are taken from the beginning of the item iteration, the other half from the end. If given as integer, that number is used. If a callable is given, the callable will be invoked with the current level, number of elements to be added at this level, and the current total item count along this recursion branch. The callable should then return the number of lines to be shown for the current element. total_item_count (int, optional): The total number of items already created in this recursive tree representation call. Passed on between recursive calls. Returns: Union[str, List[str]]: The (multi-line) tree representation of this group. If this method was invoked with ``level == 0``, a string will be returned; otherwise, a list of strings will be returned. """ def get_offset_str(level: int) -> str: """Returns an offst string, depending on level""" return " " * level def truncate(s: str, *, max_length: int, suffix: str = "…") -> str: """Truncates the given string to the desired length""" return s if len(s) <= max_length else s[: max_length - 1] + suffix # Offset offset = get_offset_str(level) # Mark symbols first_mark = r" └┬" base_mark = r" ├" last_mark = r" └" only_mark = r" └─" # Evaluate the condensation threshold, i.e. the maximum number of lines # to allow originating from this object (excluding recursion) num_items = len(self) total_item_count += num_items num_skipped = 0 if callable(condense_thresh): max_lines = condense_thresh( level=level, num_items=num_items, total_item_count=total_item_count, ) else: max_lines = condense_thresh if max_lines is not None: # Additional check for lower bound; makes visualization much easier max_lines = max(3, int(max_lines)) # If there are too few items, the variable is set to None to # indicate regular behavior. if num_items - max_lines < 1: max_lines = None # Calculations that make the output line fit into one terminal line from .tools import TERMINAL_INFO, update_terminal_info update_terminal_info() num_cols = TERMINAL_INFO["columns"] info_width = int(num_cols * info_ratio) name_width = (num_cols - info_width) - (len(offset) + 3 + 1 + 2) def get_mark(n: int, *, max_n: int) -> str: """Returns the mark symbol depending on the iteration number. NOTE This uses variables from the outer scope! """ if n == 0: if max_n == 0: return only_mark return first_mark elif n == max_n: return last_mark return base_mark # The format string that's used to compose the whole output line fstr = "{offset:}{mark:>3s} {name:<{name_width}s} {info:}" # Create the list to gather the lines in; add a description on level 0 lines = [] if level == 0: lines.append("") lines.append(f"Tree of {self:logstr,info}") # Go over the entries on this level and format the lines for n, (key, obj) in enumerate(self.items()): # Determine whether to show this line of the tree or not. The lines # in the middle of the iteration are not shown. # If it is not shown, the first line that is then to be shown also # adds a line that indicates how many items were skipped. if max_lines is not None: if max_lines // 2 <= n < (num_items - (max_lines - 1) // 2): num_skipped += 1 continue elif n == (num_items - (max_lines - 1) // 2): # Add the indicator line lines.append( fstr.format( offset=offset, mark=base_mark, name_width=name_width, name="...", info=f"... ({num_skipped:d} more) ...", ) ) # Get the mark, and key and info strings (truncating if necessary) try: info_str = info_fstr.format(obj) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError( f"Failed formatting info string '{info_fstr}' for " f"{type(obj)} with value:\n{obj}\nThis should not have " "happened! Is there a non-dantro object included as a " f"direct part of the tree? Parent object: {self.logstr} " f"@ {self.path}." ) from exc name = truncate(key, max_length=name_width) info = truncate(info_str, max_length=info_width) mark = get_mark(n, max_n=num_items - 1) # Format the line and add to list of lines lines.append( fstr.format( offset=offset, mark=mark, name_width=name_width, name=name, info=info, ) ) # If it was a group and it is not empty... if isinstance(obj, BaseDataGroup) and len(obj) > 0: # ... and maximum recursion depth is not reached: if max_level is None or level < max_level: # Continue recursion lines += obj._tree_repr( level=level + 1, max_level=max_level, info_fstr=info_fstr, info_ratio=info_ratio, condense_thresh=condense_thresh, total_item_count=total_item_count, ) else: # Only indicate that it _would_ continue here, but do not # actually continue with the recursion. lines.append( fstr.format( offset=get_offset_str(level + 1), mark=only_mark, name_width=3, name="...", info="", ) ) # Done, depending on whether this is within the recursion or not, # return as list of lines or as combined multi-line string if level > 0: return lines return "\n".join(lines) + "\n"