Source code for dantro.utils.nx

"""networkx-related utility functions"""

import copy
import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Sequence, Union

from .._dag_utils import parse_dag_minimal_syntax as _parse_dag_minimal_syntax
from .._dag_utils import parse_dag_syntax as _parse_dag_syntax
from ..data_ops import apply_operation as _apply_operation
from ..data_ops import is_operation as _is_operation
from ..exceptions import *

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX = "attr_mapper"
"""A prefix used for registring attribute mapping data operations"""

"""A prefix used for registring attribute mapping data operations that are
specialized for use in the DAG, e.g. in

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def keep_node_attributes(g: "networkx.Graph", *to_keep): """Iterates over the given graph object and removes all node attributes *but* those in ``to_keep``. .. note:: This function works in-place on the given graph object Args: g (networkx.Graph): The graph object with the nodes *to_keep: Sequence of attribute names to *keep* """ for _, node_attrs in g.nodes(data=True): to_pop = [a for a in node_attrs if a not in to_keep] for a in to_pop: node_attrs.pop(a, None)
[docs]def keep_edge_attributes(g: "networkx.Graph", *to_keep): """Iterates over the given graph object and removes all edge attributes *but* those in ``to_keep``. .. note:: This function works in-place on the given graph object Args: g (networkx.Graph): The graph object with the edges *to_keep: Sequence of attribute names to *keep* """ for _, _, edge_attrs in g.edges(data=True): to_pop = [a for a in edge_attrs if a not in to_keep] for a in to_pop: edge_attrs.pop(a, None)
[docs]def map_attributes( g: "networkx.Graph", kind: str, mappers: Dict[str, Union[str, dict]] ): """Maps attributes of nodes or edges (specified by ``kind``). Args: g (networkx.Graph): Graph object to map the node or edge attributes of kind (str): Name of a valid graph iterator, e.g. ``nodes``, ``edges`` mappings (Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]]): The mappings dict. Will set node attributes that have as their value the result of a single data operation. The dict values can either be the name of a registered data operation or a dict that defines an operation and the corresponding arguments, supporting the :ref:`typical DAG syntax <dag_minimal_syntax>`. .. note:: Note that the operation needs to be part of an extended dantro operations database. It may *not* be a meta-operation and can also not be a *sequence* of operations. The operation will always get node's or edge's existing ``attrs`` dict as a keyword argument. The return value of the operation is used as the new attribute value. """ def parse_op_params(p: Union[str, dict]) -> dict: """Parses operation parameters using the usual DAG syntax""" p = _parse_dag_minimal_syntax(p, with_previous_result=False) return _parse_dag_syntax(**p) # Prepare the mappers mappers = mappers if mappers else {} mappers = { attr: parse_op_params(op_params) for attr, op_params in mappers.items() if op_params is not None } # Prepare the node or edge iterator and then start iterating ... obj_it = getattr(g, kind)(data=True) for obj_and_attrs in obj_it: attrs = obj_and_attrs[-1] for target_attr, op_params in mappers.items(): try: attrs[target_attr] = _apply_operation( op_params["operation"], *op_params["args"], attrs=attrs, **op_params["kwargs"], ) except BadOperationName as err: _prefix = ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX raise BadOperationName( f"Failed mapping {kind}' attributes due to an invalid " f"operation name. Use operations prefixed with {_prefix} " f"for common attribute mapping tasks.\n\n{err}" ) from err except Exception as exc: _op_name = op_params["operation"] raise type(exc)( f"Failed mapping {kind}' attributes:\n" f"Make sure the data operation ({_op_name}) and arguments " "are valid and inspect the chained traceback for more " f"information.\n\nGot a {type(exc).__name__}: {exc}" ) from exc
[docs]def manipulate_attributes( g: "networkx.Graph", *, map_node_attrs: Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]] = None, map_edge_attrs: Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]] = None, keep_node_attrs: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = True, keep_edge_attrs: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = True, ): """Manipulates the given graph's edge and/or node attributes Args: g (networkx.Graph): The graph the node and edge attributes of which are to be manipulated map_node_attrs (Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]], optional): Sets the node attributes given by the keys of this dict with those at the value. If a callable is given, is invoked with the unpacked dict of node attributes as arguments and writes the return value to the attribute given by the key. map_edge_attrs (Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]], optional): Sets the edge attributes given by the keys of this dict with those at the value. If a callable is given, is invoked with the unpacked dict of edge attributes as arguments and writes the return value to the attribute given by the key. keep_node_attrs (Union[bool, Sequence[str]], optional): Which node attributes to *keep*, all others are dropped. Set to True to keep all existing node attributes; for all other values the :py:func:`~.keep_node_attributes` function is invoked. keep_edge_attrs (Union[bool, Sequence[str]], optional): Which edge attributes to *keep*, all others are dropped. Set to True to keep all existing edge attributes; for all other values the :py:func:`~.keep_edge_attributes` function is invoked. """ if map_node_attrs: map_attributes(g, "nodes", map_node_attrs) if map_edge_attrs: map_attributes(g, "edges", map_edge_attrs) # Keep only certain node and/or edge attributes if keep_node_attrs is not True: keep_node_attrs = keep_node_attrs if keep_node_attrs else () keep_node_attributes(g, *(keep_node_attrs if keep_node_attrs else ())) if keep_edge_attrs is not True: keep_edge_attrs = keep_edge_attrs if keep_edge_attrs else () keep_edge_attributes(g, *(keep_edge_attrs if keep_edge_attrs else ()))
[docs]def export_graph( g: "networkx.Graph", *, out_path: str, manipulate_attrs: dict = None, **export_specs, ): """Takes care of exporting a networkx graph object using one or many of the ``nx.write_`` methods. See the `networkx documentation <>`_ for available output formats. This also allows some pre-processing or node and edge attributes using the :py:func:`.manipulate_attributes` function. Example: .. code-block:: yaml manipulate_attrs: {} # Export formats dot: true # needs graphviz graphml: file_ext: gml # ... further kwargs passed to writer gml: false Args: g (networkx.Graph): The graph to export out_path (str): Path to export it to; extensions will be dropped and replaced by the corresponding export format. Add the ``file_ext`` key to a export format specification to set it to some other value. manipulate_attrs (dict, optional): If given, is passed to :py:func:`~dantro.utils.nx.manipulate_attributes` to manipulate the node and/or edge attributes of a (copy of) the given graph ``g``. **export_specs: Keys need to correspond to valid ``nx.write_*`` function names, values are passed on to the write function. There are two special keys ``enabled`` and ``file_ext`` that can control the behaviour of the respective export operation. Alternatively, values can be a boolean that enables or disables the writer. """ import networkx as nx NX_WRITERS = { f[6:]: getattr(nx, f) for f in dir(nx) if f.startswith("write_") } try: import nx.drawing.nx_agraph NX_WRITERS["dot"] = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.write_dot except ImportError: pass if manipulate_attrs: # Need to work on a copy because certain attributes may be dropped g = copy.deepcopy(g) manipulate_attributes(g, **manipulate_attrs) # No go over the export specifications export_specs = copy.deepcopy(export_specs) for export_format, specs in export_specs.items(): if isinstance(specs, bool): specs = dict(enabled=specs) if not specs.pop("enabled", True): continue try: writer = NX_WRITERS[export_format] except KeyError as err: _avail = ", ".join(NX_WRITERS) raise ValueError( f"Invalid export format '{export_format}'! " "No such writer available in networkx.\n" f"Available formats: {_avail}" ) from err log.remark("Exporting %s using %s writer ...", g, export_format) file_ext = specs.pop("file_ext", export_format) out_path = f"{os.path.splitext(out_path)[0]}.{file_ext}" os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_path), exist_ok=True) writer(g, out_path, **specs)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -- Custom attribute mappers ------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These rely on ``attrs["obj"]`` containing the associated node object.
[docs]@_is_operation(f"{ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX}.copy_from_attr") def copy_from_attr(attr_to_copy_from: str, *, attrs: dict): """:py:func:`Attribute mapper operation <map_attributes>` that copies an attribute by name. """ return copy.copy(attrs[attr_to_copy_from])
[docs]@_is_operation(f"{ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX}.set_value") def set_value(value: Any, *, attrs: dict): """:py:func:`Attribute mapper operation <map_attributes>` that simply sets a value, regardless of other attributes. """ return value
# .. Specializations for use within the DAG ...................................
[docs]@_is_operation(f"{ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX_DAG}.get_operation") def get_operation(*, attrs: dict) -> str: """:py:func:`Attribute mapper operation <map_attributes>` that returns the transformation's operation name. See :py:attr:`dantro.dag.Transformation.operation`. Used in :ref:`dag_graph_vis`. """ obj = attrs["obj"] return getattr(obj, "operation", "")
[docs]@_is_operation(f"{ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX_DAG}.get_meta_operation") def get_meta_operation(*, attrs: dict) -> str: """:py:func:`Attribute mapper operation <map_attributes>` that returns the transformation's meta-operation name, *if* it was added as part of a meta- operation. Otherwise returns an empty string. This information stems from the :py:attr:`dantro.dag.Transformation.context` attribute. Used in :ref:`dag_graph_vis`. """ obj = attrs["obj"] return getattr(obj, "context", {}).get("meta_operation", "")
[docs]@_is_operation(f"{ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX_DAG}.format_arguments") def format_arguments(*, attrs: dict, join_str: str = "\n") -> str: """:py:func:`Attribute mapper operation <map_attributes>` that formats node arguments in a nice and readable way. Used in :ref:`dag_graph_vis`. """ obj = attrs["obj"] if not hasattr(obj, "_args") or not hasattr(obj, "_kwargs"): return "" _args = join_str.join(f"{v}" for _, v in enumerate(obj._args)) _kwargs = join_str.join(f"{k}: {v} " for k, v in obj._kwargs.items()) return f"args: {_args}\nkwargs: {_kwargs}"
# TODO Improve, e.g. by hiding reference hashes
[docs]@_is_operation(f"{ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX_DAG}.get_layer") def get_layer(*, attrs: dict) -> int: """:py:func:`Attribute mapper operation <map_attributes>` that returns the transformation's layer value. See :py:attr:`dantro.dag.Transformation.layer`. Used in :ref:`dag_graph_vis`. """ obj = attrs["obj"] return getattr(obj, "layer", 0)
[docs]@_is_operation(f"{ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX_DAG}.get_status") def get_status(*, attrs: dict) -> str: """:py:func:`Attribute mapper operation <map_attributes>` that returns the transformation's status value. See :py:attr:`dantro.dag.Transformation.status`. Used in :ref:`dag_graph_vis`. """ obj = attrs["obj"] return getattr(obj, "status", "none")
[docs]@_is_operation(f"{ATTR_MAPPER_OP_PREFIX_DAG}.get_description") def get_description( *, attrs: dict, join_str: str = "\n", to_include: list = ("operation", "meta_operation", "tag", "result"), abbreviate_result: int = 12, ) -> str: """:py:func:`Attribute mapper operation <map_attributes>` that creates a description string from the transformation. Used in :ref:`dag_graph_vis`. Args: attrs (dict): Node attributes dict join_str (str, optional): How to join the individual segments together to_include (list, optional): Which segments to include. Can be ``'all'`` or a sequence of keys referring to individual segments. Available segments: - ``operation`` - ``meta_operation`` - ``tag`` - ``result`` (if available) - ``status`` (if available) Note that the order is also given by the order in this list. """ obj = attrs["obj"] tag = attrs.get("tag") # Operation op = getattr(obj, "operation", "") # Result result_str = "" if attrs.get("has_result"): result = attrs.get("result") result_str = str(result) if abbreviate_result: # Use only the first line result_str = result_str.split("\n")[0] # If there are more characters, abbreviate to type if len(result_str) > abbreviate_result: result_str = str(type(result).__name__) # Status status = getattr(obj, "status", "none").replace("_", " ") # Meta-operation this node may have been part of meta_op = getattr(obj, "context", {}).get("meta_operation") # Assemble, evaluate and join descriptions desc_specs = dict( operation=dict(fstr="{}", content=op), meta_operation=dict(fstr="({})", content=meta_op), result=dict(fstr="= {}", content=result_str), tag=dict(fstr="— {} —", content=tag), status=dict(fstr="status: {}", content=status), ) if to_include == "all": to_include = list(desc_specs.keys()) return join_str.join( desc_specs[name]["fstr"].format(desc_specs[name]["content"]) for name in to_include if desc_specs[name]["content"] )