Source code for

"""This module implements tools that are generally useful in dantro"""

import collections
import contextlib
import glob
import logging
import os
import sys
from datetime import timedelta as _timedelta
from shutil import get_terminal_size as _get_terminal_size
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# -- Terminal, TTY ------------------------------------------------------------

TERMINAL_INFO = dict(columns=79, lines=24, is_a_tty=False)
"""Holds information about the size and properties of the used terminal.

.. warning::

    Do not update this manually, call :py:func:`.update_terminal_info` instead.

[docs]def update_terminal_info() -> dict: """Updates the ``TERMINAL_INFO`` constant with information about the number of columns, lines, and whether the terminal is a TTY terminal. If retrieving the properties via :py:func:`shutil.get_terminal_size` fails for whatever reason, will not apply any changes. """ try: terminal_size = _get_terminal_size() cols, lines = terminal_size.columns, terminal_size.lines except Exception as exc: log.debug( "Failed to update terminal info! %s: %s", type(exc).__name__, exc ) else: TERMINAL_INFO["columns"] = cols TERMINAL_INFO["lines"] = lines TERMINAL_INFO["is_a_tty"] = sys.stdout.isatty() log.debug("Updated terminal info: %s", TERMINAL_INFO) return TERMINAL_INFO
# Set the content and the (not updateable constants) update_terminal_info() IS_A_TTY = TERMINAL_INFO["is_a_tty"] """Whether the used terminal is a TTY terminal .. deprecated:: v0.18 Use the ``["is_a_tty"]`` entry instead. """ TTY_COLS = TERMINAL_INFO["columns"] """Number of columns in a TTY terminal .. deprecated:: v0.18 Use the ``["columns"]`` entry instead. """ # -- YAML --------------------------------------------------------------------- from ._yaml import load_yml, write_yml, yaml # -- Dictionary operations ----------------------------------------------------
[docs]def recursive_update(d: dict, u: dict) -> dict: """Recursively updates the Mapping-like object ``d`` with the Mapping-like object ``u`` and returns it. Note that this does *not* create a copy of ``d``, but changes it mutably! Based on: Args: d (dict): The mapping to update u (dict): The mapping whose values are used to update ``d`` Returns: dict: The updated dict ``d`` """ for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(d, # Already a Mapping if isinstance(v, # Already a Mapping, continue recursion d[k] = recursive_update(d.get(k, {}), v) # This already creates a mapping if the key was not available else: # Not a mapping -> at leaf -> update value d[k] = v # ... which is just u[k] else: # Not a mapping -> create one d = {k: u[k]} return d
[docs]def recursive_getitem(obj: Union[Mapping, Sequence], keys: Sequence): """Go along the sequence of ``keys`` through ``obj`` and return the target item. Args: obj (Union[Mapping, Sequence]): The object to get the item from keys (Sequence): The sequence of keys to follow Returns: The target item from ``obj``, specified by ``keys`` Raises: ValueError: If any index or key in the key sequence was not available """ def handle_error(exc: Exception, *, key, keys, obj): raise ValueError( f"Invalid {'key' if isinstance(exc, KeyError) else 'index'} " f"'{key}' during recursive getitem of key sequence " f"{' -> '.join([repr(k) for k in keys])}! " f"{exc.__class__.__name__}: {exc} raised on the following " f"object:\n{obj}" ) from exc if len(keys) > 1: # Continue recursion try: return recursive_getitem(obj[keys[0]], keys=keys[1:]) except (KeyError, IndexError) as err: handle_error(err, key=keys[0], keys=keys, obj=obj) # else: reached the end of the recursion try: return obj[keys[0]] except (KeyError, IndexError) as err: handle_error(err, key=keys[0], keys=keys, obj=obj)
# -- Terminal messaging -------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def clear_line(only_in_tty=True, break_if_not_tty=True): """Clears the current terminal line and resets the cursor to the first position using a POSIX command. Based on: Args: only_in_tty (bool, optional): If True (default) will only clear the line if the script is executed in a TTY break_if_not_tty (bool, optional): If True (default), will insert a line break if the script is not executed in a TTY """ # Differentiate cases if (only_in_tty and TERMINAL_INFO["is_a_tty"]) or not only_in_tty: # Print the POSIX character print("\x1b[2K\r", end="") if break_if_not_tty and not TERMINAL_INFO["is_a_tty"]: # print linebreak (no flush) print("\n", end="") # flush manually (there might not have been a linebreak) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def fill_line( s: str, *, num_cols: int = None, fill_char: str = " ", align: str = "left", ) -> str: """Extends the given string such that it fills a whole line of `num_cols` columns. Args: s (str): The string to extend to a whole line num_cols (int, optional): The number of colums of the line; defaults to the number of terminal columns. fill_char (str, optional): The fill character align (str, optional): The alignment. Can be: 'left', 'right', 'center' or the one-letter equivalents. Returns: str: The string of length `num_cols` Raises: ValueError: For invalid `align` or `fill_char` argument """ if num_cols is None: num_cols = TERMINAL_INFO["columns"] if len(fill_char) != 1: raise ValueError( "Argument `fill_char` needs to be string of length 1 but was: " + str(fill_char) ) fill_str = fill_char * (num_cols - len(s)) if align in ["left", "l", None]: return s + fill_str elif align in ["right", "r"]: return fill_str + s elif align in ["center", "centre", "c"]: return ( fill_str[: len(fill_str) // 2] + s + fill_str[len(fill_str) // 2 :] ) raise ValueError(f"align argument '{align}' not supported")
[docs]def center_in_line( s: str, *, num_cols: int = None, fill_char: str = "·", spacing: int = 1 ) -> str: """Shortcut for a common fill_line use case. Args: s (str): The string to center in the line num_cols (int, optional): The number of columns in the line, automatically determined if not given fill_char (str, optional): The fill character spacing (int, optional): The spacing around the string `s` Returns: str: The string centered in the line """ spacing = " " * spacing return fill_line( spacing + s + spacing, num_cols=num_cols, fill_char=fill_char, align="centre", )
[docs]def make_columns( items: List[str], *, wrap_width: int = None, fstr: str = " {item:<{width:}s} ", ) -> str: """Given a sequence of string items, returns a string with these items spread out over several columns. Iteration is first within the row and then into the next row. The number of columns is determined automatically from the wrap width, the length of the longest item in the items list, and the length of the evaluated format string. Args: items (List[str]): The string items to represent in columns. wrap_width (int, optional): The maximum width of each full row. If not given will determine it automatically fstr (str, optional): The format string to use. Needs to accept the keys ``item`` and ``width``, the latter of which will be used for padding. The format string should lead to strings of equal length, otherwise the column layout will be messed up! """ if not items: return "" if not wrap_width: wrap_width = TERMINAL_INFO["columns"] max_item_width = max(len(item) for item in items) item_str_width = len( fstr.format(item=" " * max_item_width, width=max_item_width) ) num_cols = wrap_width // item_str_width rows = [] for i, item in enumerate(items): item_str = fstr.format(item=item, width=max_item_width) # New row or new column? if i % num_cols == 0: rows.append(item_str) else: rows[-1] += item_str return "\n".join(rows) + "\n"
# -- Fun with byte strings ----------------------------------------------------
[docs]def decode_bytestrings(obj) -> str: """Checks whether the given attribute value is or contains byte strings and if so, decodes it to a python string. Args: obj: The object to try to decode into holding python strings Returns: str: Either the unchanged object or the decoded one """ # Check for data loaded as array of bytestring if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): if obj.dtype.kind in ["S", "a"]: obj = obj.astype("U") # If it is of dtype object, decode all bytes objects if obj.dtype == np.dtype("object"): def decode_if_bytes(val): if isinstance(val, bytes): return val.decode("utf8") return val # Apply element-wise obj = np.vectorize(decode_if_bytes)(obj) # ... or as bytes elif isinstance(obj, bytes): # Decode bytestring to unicode obj = obj.decode("utf8") return obj
# -- Misc --------------------------------------------------------------------- DoNothingContext = contextlib.nullcontext """An alias for a context ... that does nothing"""
[docs]def ensure_dict(d: Optional[dict]) -> dict: """Makes sure that ``d`` is a dict and not None""" if d is None: return dict() return d
[docs]def is_iterable(obj) -> bool: """Tries whether the given object is iterable.""" try: (e for e in obj) except: return False return True
[docs]def is_hashable(obj) -> bool: """Tries whether the given object is hashable.""" try: hash(obj) except: return False return True
[docs]def try_conversion(c: str) -> Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, None]: """Given a string, attempts to convert it to a numerical value or a bool.""" c = str(c) if c.lower() == "true": return True elif c.lower() == "false": return False elif c in ("~", "None", "none"): return None try: return int(c) except: pass try: return float(c) except: pass try: return complex(c) except: pass return c
[docs]def parse_str_to_args_and_kwargs(s: str, *, sep: str) -> Tuple[list, dict]: """Parses strings like ``65,0,sep=12`` into a positional arguments list and a keyword arguments dict. Behavior: * Positional arguments are all arguments that do *not* include ``=``. Keyword arguments are those that *do* include ``=``. * Will use :py:func:`.try_conversion` to convert argument values. * Trailing and leading white space on argument names and values is stripped away using :py:meth:`~str.strip`. .. warning:: * Cannot handle string arguments that include ``sep`` or ``=``! * Cannot handle arguments that define lists, tuples or other more complex objects. .. hint:: For more complex argument parsing, consider using a YAML parser instead of this (rather simple) function! """ all_args = s.split(sep) args = [ try_conversion(a.strip()) for a in all_args if (a and "=" not in a) ] kwargs = { k.strip(): try_conversion(v.strip()) for k, v in [kw.split("=") for kw in all_args if "=" in kw] } return args, kwargs
[docs]class adjusted_log_levels: """A context manager that temporarily adjusts log levels""" def __init__(self, *new_levels: Sequence[Tuple[str, int]]): self.new_levels = {n: l for n, l in new_levels} self.old_levels = dict()
[docs] def __enter__(self): """When entering the context, sets these levels""" for name, new_level in self.new_levels.items(): logger = logging.getLogger(name) self.old_levels[name] = logger.level logger.setLevel(new_level)
[docs] def __exit__(self, *_): """When leaving the context, resets the levels to their old state""" for name, old_level in self.old_levels.items(): logging.getLogger(name).setLevel(old_level)
[docs]def total_bytesize(files: List[str]) -> int: """Returns the total size of a list of files""" return sum(os.path.getsize(fpath) for fpath in files)
[docs]def format_bytesize(num: int, *, precision: int = 1) -> str: """Formats a size in bytes to a human readable (binary) format. Stripped down from . Args: num (int): Number of bytes precision (int, optional): The decimal precision to use, can be 0..3 Returns: str: The formatted, human-readable byte size """ UNIT_LABELS = ("B", "kiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB") PRECISION_OFFSETS = (0.5, 0.05, 0.005, 0.0005) FSTRS = ( "{}{:.0f} {}", "{}{:.1f} {}", "{}{:.2f} {}", "{}{:.3f} {}", ) last_label = UNIT_LABELS[-1] unit_step = 1024 unit_step_thresh = unit_step - PRECISION_OFFSETS[precision] is_negative = num < 0 if is_negative: num = abs(num) # Special case for Bytes, where there should be no decimal point if num < 1024: return FSTRS[0].format("-" if is_negative else "", num, "B") for unit in UNIT_LABELS: if num < unit_step_thresh: # Below threshold now, can go to formatting break # Unless we reached the highest prefix, shrink the number such that # it represents the value in the next higher unit if unit != last_label: num /= unit_step return FSTRS[precision].format("-" if is_negative else "", num, unit)
[docs]def format_time( duration: Union[float, _timedelta], *, ms_precision: int = 0, max_num_parts: int = None, ) -> str: """Given a duration (in seconds), formats it into a string. The formatting divisors are: days, hours, minutes, seconds If ``ms_precision`` > 0 and ``duration`` < 60, decimal places will be shown for the seconds. Args: duration (Union[float, datetime.timedelta]): The duration in seconds to format into a duration string; it can also be a timedelta object. ms_precision (int, optional): The precision of the seconds slot max_num_parts (int, optional): How many parts to include when creating the formatted time string. For example, if the time consists of the parts seconds, minutes, and hours, and the argument is ``2``, only the hours and minutes parts will be shown, thus reducing the precision of the overall representation of ``duration``. If None, all parts are included. Returns: str: The formatted duration string """ if isinstance(duration, _timedelta): duration = duration.total_seconds() divisors = (24 * 60 * 60, 60 * 60, 60, 1) letters = ("d", "h", "m", "s") remaining = float(duration) parts = [] # Also handle negative numbers is_negative = bool(duration < 0) if is_negative: # Calculate with the positive value, much easier remaining *= -1 # Go over divisors and letters and see if there is something to represent for divisor, letter in zip(divisors, letters): time_to_represent = int(remaining / divisor) remaining -= time_to_represent * divisor if time_to_represent > 0: # Distinguish between seconds and other divisors for short times if ms_precision <= 0 or abs(duration) >= 60: # Regular behaviour: Seconds do not have decimals or duration # is so long that they need not be represented. s = f"{time_to_represent:d}{letter}" else: # There are decimals to be represented. s = "{val:.{prec:d}f}s".format( val=(time_to_represent + remaining), prec=int(ms_precision), ) parts.append(s) # If nothing was added so far, the time was below one second if not parts: if duration == 0: return "0s" elif ms_precision == 0: # Just show an approximation if not is_negative: return "< 1s" return "> -1s" # Show with ms_precision decimal places s = "{val:{tot}.{prec}f}s".format( val=remaining, tot=int(ms_precision) + 2, prec=int(ms_precision), ) parts.append(s) # May need to prepend a minus for negative values if is_negative: parts = ["-"] + parts # Join the parts together, but only the maximum number of parts if not max_num_parts: return " ".join(parts) return " ".join(parts[: max_num_parts + int(is_negative)])
[docs]def glob_paths( glob_str: Union[str, List[str]], *, ignore: List[str] = None, base_path: str = None, sort: bool = False, recursive: bool = True, include_files: bool = True, include_directories: bool = True, ) -> List[str]: """Generates a list of paths from a glob string and a number of additional options. Paths may refer to file *and* directory paths. Uses :py:func:`glob.glob` for matching glob strings. .. note:: Internally, this uses a set, thus ensuring that there are no duplicate paths in the returned list. Args: glob_str (Union[str, List[str]]): The glob pattern or a list of glob patterns to use for searching for files. Relative paths will be seen as relative to ``base_path``. ignore (List[str]): A list of paths to ignore. Relative paths will be seen as relative to ``base_path``. Supports glob patterns. base_path (str, optional): The base path for the glob pattern. If not given, will use the current working directory. sort (bool, optional): If true, sorts the list before returning. recursive (bool, optional): If true, will activate recursive glob patterns (see :py:func:`glob.glob`). include_files (bool, optional): If false, will remove file paths from the set of paths. include_directories (bool, optional): If false, will remove directory paths from the set of paths. Returns: List[str]: The file or directory paths that matched ``glob_str`` and were not filtered out by the other options. Raises: ValueError: If the given ``base_path`` was not absolute. """ def prepare_path(path: str, *, base: str) -> str: return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base, os.path.expanduser(path))) def remove_from_set(s: set, to_remove: str): try: s.remove(to_remove) except KeyError: log.debug("%s was not found in set of paths.", to_remove) else: log.debug("%s removed from set of paths.", to_remove) # Create a set to assure that there are no duplicate entries paths = set() # Assure it is a list of strings if isinstance(glob_str, str): glob_str = [glob_str] log.debug( "Got %d glob string(s) to create set of matching file paths from.", len(glob_str), ) # Handle base path, defaulting to the data directory if base_path is None: base_path = os.getcwd() log.debug("Using current working directory as base path.") else: if not os.path.isabs(base_path): raise ValueError( "Given base_path argument needs be an " f"absolute path, was not: {base_path}" ) # Go over the given glob strings and add to the paths set for gs in glob_str: # Make the glob string absolute and prepend the base path gs = prepare_path(gs, base=base_path) log.debug("Adding paths that match glob string:\n %s", gs) # Add to the set of paths; this assures uniqueness of the paths paths.update(list(glob.glob(gs, recursive=recursive))) # See if some paths should be ignored ignore = ignore if ignore else [] for igs in ignore: igs = prepare_path(igs, base=base_path) log.debug("Removing paths that match ignore glob string:\n %s", igs) for ignore_path in glob.glob(igs, recursive=recursive): remove_from_set(paths, to_remove=ignore_path) # Can convert to list now, easier to continue paths = list(paths) # Finish up: May want to filter files / directories, and sort the list if not include_files: paths = [path for path in paths if not os.path.isfile(path)] if not include_directories: paths = [path for path in paths if not os.path.isdir(path)] if sort: paths.sort() return paths
# -- Multi-processing ---------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class PoolCallbackHandler: """A simple callback handler for multiprocessing pools"""
[docs] def __init__( self, n_max: int, *, silent: bool = False, fstr: str = " Loaded {n}/{n_max} .", ): """ Args: n_max (int): Number of tasks silent (bool, optional): If true, will *not* print a message fstr (str, optional): The format string for the status message. May contain keys ``n`` and ``n_max``. """ self._n = 0 self._n_max = n_max self.silent = silent self._fstr = fstr
def __call__(self, _): self._n += 1 if not self.silent: print_line(self._fstr.format(n=self._n, n_max=self._n_max))
[docs]class PoolErrorCallbackHandler: """A simple callback handler for errors in multiprocessing pools""" def __init__(self): self._errors = set() def __call__(self, error: Exception): self.track_error(error)
[docs] def track_error(self, error: Exception): self._errors.update({error})
@property def errors(self) -> Set[Exception]: return self._errors