Source code for dantro.plot_mngr

"""Implements the :py:class:`~dantro.plot_mngr.PlotManager`, which handles the
configuration of multiple plots and prepares the data and configuration to pass
to the respective :ref:`plot creators <plot_creators>`.
See :ref:`the user manual <plot_manager>` for more information.

import copy
import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import time
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from difflib import get_close_matches as _get_close_matches
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from paramspace import ParamDim, ParamSpace
from pkg_resources import resource_filename as _resource_filename

from .abc import BAD_NAME_CHARS as _BAD_NAME_CHARS
from .data_mngr import DataManager
from .exceptions import *
from .plot import BasePlotCreator, SkipPlot
from .plot._cfg import resolve_based_on as _resolve_based_on
from .plot._cfg import resolve_based_on_single as _resolve_based_on_single
from .plot._cfg import resolve_plot_cfgs_shortcuts as _resolve_shortcuts
from .plot.creators import ALL_PLOT_CREATORS as ALL_PCRS
from .plot.utils import PlotFuncResolver as _PlotFuncResolver
from .tools import format_time as _format_time
from .tools import load_yml, make_columns, recursive_update, write_yml

# .............................................................................

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_fmt_time = lambda seconds: _format_time(seconds, ms_precision=1)

    [c for c in _BAD_NAME_CHARS if c not in ("/",)] + ["."]
"""Substrings that may not appear in plot names.

Unlike the :py:data:``, these *allow* the ``/`` char
(such that new directories can be created) and disallows the ``.`` character
(in order to not get confused with file extensions).

BASE_PLOTS_CFG_PATH: str = _resource_filename("dantro", "cfg/base_plots.yml")
"""The path to the base plot configurations pool for dantro.

If the ``use_dantro_base_cfg_pool`` flag is set when initializing a
:py:class:`~dantro.plot_mngr.PlotManager`, this file will be used as the first
entry in the sequence of config pools.

Also see :ref:`dantro_base_plots` for more information."""

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class PlotManager: """The PlotManager takes care of configuring plots and calling the selected :ref:`plot creators <plot_creators>` that then actually carry out the plotting operation. It is a high-level class that is aware of a larger plot configuration and aggregates all general capabilities needed to configure and carry out plots using the plotting framework. See :ref:`the user manual <plot_manager>` for more information. """ PLOT_FUNC_RESOLVER: type = _PlotFuncResolver """The class to use for resolving plot function objects""" CREATORS: Dict[str, type] = ALL_PCRS """The mapping of creator names to classes. By default, all available dantro plot creators are registered. When subclassing PlotManager and desiring to *extend* the creator mapping, use ``dict(**dantro.plot.creators.ALL, my_new_creator=MyNewCreator)`` to include the default creator mapping.""" DEFAULT_OUT_FSTRS: Dict[str, str] = dict( timestamp="%y%m%d-%H%M%S", # # representing the parameter space sweep state and its coordinate state_no="{no:0{digits:d}d}", state="{name:}_{val:}", state_name_replace_chars=[], # (".", "-") state_val_replace_chars=[("/", "-")], state_join_char="__", state_vector_join_char="-", # # final fstr for single plot and config path path="{name:}{ext:}", plot_cfg="{basename:}_cfg.yml", # # and for sweep sweep="{name:}/{state_no:}__{state:}{ext:}", plot_cfg_sweep="{name:}/sweep_cfg.yml", ) """The default values for the output format strings, used when composing the file name of a plot.""" SPECIAL_BASE_CFG_POOL_LABELS: Sequence[str] = ( "plot", "plot_from_cfg", "plot_from_cfg_unused", "plot_pspace", ) """Special keys that may not be used as labels for the base configuration pools.""" # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[docs] def __init__( self, *, dm: DataManager, default_plots_cfg: Union[dict, str] = None, out_dir: Union[str, None] = "{timestamp:}/", base_cfg_pools: Sequence[Tuple[str, Union[dict, str]]] = (), use_dantro_base_cfg_pool: bool = True, out_fstrs: dict = None, plot_func_resolver_init_kwargs: dict = None, shared_creator_init_kwargs: dict = None, creator_init_kwargs: Dict[str, dict] = None, default_creator: str = None, save_plot_cfg: bool = True, raise_exc: bool = False, cfg_exists_action: str = "raise", ): """Initialize a PlotManager, which provides a uniform configuration interface for creating plots and passes tasks on to the respective plot creators. To avoid copy-paste of plot configurations, the PlotManager comes with versatile capabilities to define default plots and re-use other plots. - The ``default_plots_cfg`` specifies plot configurations that are to be carried out by default when calling the plotting method :py:meth:`.plot_from_cfg`. - When calling any of the plot methods :py:meth:`.plot_from_cfg` or :py:meth:`.plot`, there is the possibility to update the existing configuration dict with new entries. - At each stage, the ``based_on`` feature allows to make a plot configuration inherit entries from an existing configuration. These are looked up from the ``base_cfg_pools`` following the rules described in :py:func:`~dantro.plot._cfg.resolve_based_on`. For more information on how the plot configuration can be defined, see :ref:`plot_cfg_inheritance`. Args: dm (DataManager): The DataManager-derived object to read the plot data from. default_plots_cfg (Union[dict, str], optional): The default plots config or a path to a YAML file to import. Used as defaults when calling :py:meth:`.plot_from_cfg` out_dir (Union[str, None], optional): If given, will use this output directory as basis for the output path for each plot. The path can be a format-string; it is evaluated upon call to the plot command. Available keys: ``timestamp``, ``name``, ... For a relative path, this will be relative to the DataManager's output directory. Absolute paths remain absolute. If this argument evaluates to False, the DataManager's output directory will be the output directory. base_cfg_pools (Sequence[Tuple[str, Union[dict, str]]], optional): The base configuration pools are used to perform the lookups of ``based_on`` entries, see :ref:`plot_cfg_inheritance`. The tuples in these sequence consist of ``(label, plots_cfg)`` pairs and are fed to :py:meth:`.add_base_cfg_pool`; see there for more information. use_dantro_base_cfg_pool (bool, optional): If set, will use dantro's own base plot configuration pool as the *first* entry in the pool sequence. Refer to the :ref:`corresponding documentation page <dantro_base_plots>` for more information on available entries. out_fstrs (dict, optional): Format strings that define how the output path is generated. The dict given here updates the :py:attr:`.DEFAULT_OUT_FSTRS` class variable which holds the default values. Keys: ``timestamp`` (%-style), ``path``, ``sweep``, ``state``, ``plot_cfg``, ``state``, ``state_no``, ``state_join_char``, ``state_vector_join_char``. Available keys for ``path``: ``name``, ``timestamp``, ``ext``. Additionally, for ``sweep``: ``state_no``, ``state_vector``, ``state``. plot_func_resolver_init_kwargs (dict, optional): Initialization arguments for the plot function resolver, by default :py:class:`~dantro.plot.utils.plot_func.PlotFuncResolver`. shared_creator_init_kwargs (dict, optional): Initialization arguments to the plot creator that are passed to *all* creators regardless of type (in contrast to ``creator_init_kwargs``). creator_init_kwargs (Dict[str, dict], optional): If given, these kwargs are passed to the initialization calls of the respective creator classes. These are resolved by the *names* given in the :py:attr:`.CREATORS` class variable and are passed to the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.creators.base.BasePlotCreator` or the respective derived class. default_creator (str, optional): If given, a plot without explicit ``creator`` declaration will use this creator as default. save_plot_cfg (bool, optional): If True, the plot configuration is saved to a yaml file alongside the created plot. raise_exc (bool, optional): Whether to raise exceptions if there are errors raised from the plot creator or errors in the plot configuration. If False, the errors will only be logged. cfg_exists_action (str, optional): Behaviour when a config file already exists. Can be: ``raise`` (default), ``skip``, ``append``, ``overwrite``, or ``overwrite_nowarn``. """ # Public self.save_plot_cfg = save_plot_cfg self.raise_exc = raise_exc # Private or property-managed self._dm = dm self._out_dir = out_dir self._plot_info = [] self._pfr_kwargs = ( plot_func_resolver_init_kwargs if plot_func_resolver_init_kwargs else {} ) self._shared_cckwargs = ( shared_creator_init_kwargs if shared_creator_init_kwargs else {} ) self._cckwargs = creator_init_kwargs if creator_init_kwargs else {} self._cfg_exists_action = cfg_exists_action self.default_creator = default_creator self._default_plots_cfg = None # Base configuration pools self._base_cfg_pools = OrderedDict() if use_dantro_base_cfg_pool: self.add_base_cfg_pool( label="dantro_base", plots_cfg=BASE_PLOTS_CFG_PATH ) for _label, _plots_cfg in base_cfg_pools: self.add_base_cfg_pool(label=_label, plots_cfg=_plots_cfg) # Default plot configuration if default_plots_cfg: self._default_plots_cfg = self._prepare_cfg(default_plots_cfg) # Default format strings self._out_fstrs = self.DEFAULT_OUT_FSTRS if out_fstrs: self._out_fstrs = recursive_update( copy.deepcopy(self._out_fstrs), out_fstrs ) log.debug("%s initialized.", self.__class__.__name__) log.debug( "Have %d base configuration pools available: %s", len(self._base_cfg_pools), ", ".join(self._base_cfg_pools), )
# ......................................................................... # Properties @property def out_fstrs(self) -> dict: """The dict of output format strings""" return self._out_fstrs @property def plot_info(self) -> List[dict]: """A list of dicts with info on all plots carried out so far""" return copy.deepcopy(self._plot_info) @property def base_cfg_pools(self) -> OrderedDict: """The base plot configuration pools, used for lookup the ``based_on`` entry in plot configurations. The order of the entries in the pool is relevant, with later entries taking precedence over previous ones. See :ref:`plot_cfg_inheritance` for a more detailed description. """ return self._base_cfg_pools @property def default_creator(self) -> str: """The name of the default creator""" return self._default_creator @default_creator.setter def default_creator(self, new_creator: str): """Set the name of the default creator, raising if it is invalid""" if new_creator and new_creator not in self.CREATORS: _avail = ", ".join(self.CREATORS.keys()) raise InvalidCreator( f"No such creator '{new_creator}' available, only: {_avail}" ) self._default_creator = new_creator # ......................................................................... # Configuration
[docs] def add_base_cfg_pool(self, *, label: str, plots_cfg: Union[str, dict]): """Adds a base configuration pool entry, allowing for the ``plots_cfg`` to be a path to a YAML configuration file which is then loaded. The new pool is used for ``based_on`` lookups and takes precedence over existing entries. For more information on lookup rules, see :py:func:`~dantro.plot._cfg.resolve_based_on` and :ref:`plot_cfg_inheritance`. Args: label (str): A label of the pool that is used for identifying it. plots_cfg (Union[str, dict]): Description Raises: ValueError: If ``label`` already exists or is a special label. """ if label in self._base_cfg_pools: raise ValueError( f"A base configuration labelled '{label}' already exists! " "Check if it was already added or choose a different name." ) elif label in self.SPECIAL_BASE_CFG_POOL_LABELS: _special = ", ".join(self.SPECIAL_BASE_CFG_POOL_LABELS) raise ValueError( f"Invalid base configuration pool label '{label}'! Choosing " f"one of the special labels ({_special}) is not permitted." ) self._base_cfg_pools[label] = self._prepare_cfg(plots_cfg) log.debug("Added base configuration pool '%s'.", label)
# ......................................................................... # Helpers
[docs] @staticmethod def _prepare_cfg(s: Union[str, dict]) -> Dict[str, dict]: """Prepares a plots configuration by either loading it from a YAML file if the given argument is a string or returning a deep copy of the given dict-like object. """ if isinstance(s, str): plots_cfg = load_yml(s) else: plots_cfg = copy.deepcopy(s) if not plots_cfg: plots_cfg = {} elif not isinstance(plots_cfg, dict): raise TypeError( f"Got an unexpected plots configuration type: {plots_cfg}" ) # Resolve shortcut syntax plots_cfg = { k: _resolve_shortcuts(cfg, key=k) for k, cfg in plots_cfg.items() } return plots_cfg
[docs] def _handle_exception( self, exc: Exception, *, pc: BasePlotCreator, debug: bool = None, ExcCls: type = PlottingError, ): """Helper for handling exceptions from the plot creator""" should_raise = debug or (debug is None and self.raise_exc) e_dbg = ( "For a full error traceback, specify `debug: True` in the " "plot configuration or run the PlotManager in debug mode." ) e_no_dbg = ( "To ignore the error message and continue plotting with the " "other plots, specify `debug: False` in the plot " "configuration or disable debug mode for the PlotManager." ) e_msg = ( f"An error occurred during plotting with {pc.logstr}! " f"{e_dbg if not should_raise else e_no_dbg}\n\n" f"{exc.__class__.__name__}: {exc}" ) if should_raise: raise ExcCls(e_msg) from exc log.error(e_msg)
[docs] def _parse_out_dir(self, fstr: str, *, name: str) -> str: """Evaluates the format string to create an output directory path. Note that the directories are _not_ created; this is outsourced to the plot creator such that it happens as late as possible. Args: fstr (str): The format string to evaluate and create a directory at name (str): Name of the plot timestamp (float, optional): Description Returns: str: The path of the created directory """ # Get date format string and current time and create a string timefstr = self._out_fstrs.get("timestamp", "%y%m%d-%H%M%S") timestr = time.strftime(timefstr) out_dir = str(fstr).format(timestamp=timestr, name=name) # Make sure it is absolute out_dir = os.path.expanduser(out_dir) if not os.path.isabs(out_dir): # Regard it as relative to the data manager's output directory out_dir = os.path.join(self._dm.dirs["out"], out_dir) # Return the full path return out_dir
[docs] def _parse_out_path( self, creator: BasePlotCreator, *, name: str, out_dir: str, file_ext: str = None, state_no: int = None, state_no_max: int = None, state_vector: Tuple[int] = None, dims: dict = None, ) -> str: """Given a creator and (optionally) parameter sweep information, a full and absolute output path is generated, including the file extension. Note that the directories are _not_ created; this is outsourced to the plot creator such that it happens as late as possible. Args: creator (BasePlotCreator): The creator instance, used to extract information on the file extension. name (str): The name of the plot out_dir (str): The absolute output directory, prepended to all generated paths file_ext (str, optional): The file extension to use state_no (int, optional): The state number, starting with 0 state_no_max (int, optional): The maximum state number state_vector (Tuple[int], optional): The state vector with info on how far each state dimension has progressed in the sweep dims (dict, optional): The dict of parameter dimensions of the sweep that is carried out. Returns: str: The fully parsed output path for this plot """ def parse_state_pair( name: str, dim: ParamDim, *, fstrs: dict ) -> Tuple[str]: """Helper method to create a state pair""" # Parse the name for search, replace in fstrs["state_name_replace_chars"]: name = name.replace(search, replace) # Parse the value val = str(dim.current_value) for search, replace in fstrs["state_val_replace_chars"]: val = val.replace(search, replace) return name, val # Get the fstrs fstrs = self.out_fstrs # Evaluate the keys available for both cases keys = dict(timestamp=time.strftime(fstrs["timestamp"]), name=name) # Parse file extension and ensure it starts with a dot ext = file_ext if file_ext else creator.get_ext() if ext and ext[0] != ".": ext = "." + ext elif ext is None: ext = "" keys["ext"] = ext # Change behaviour depending on whether state information was given if state_no is None or (state_no == state_no_max == 0): # Assume the other arguments are also None -> Not part of the sweep # Evaluate it out_path = fstrs["path"].format(**keys) else: # Is part of a sweep # Parse additional keys # state number digits = len(str(state_no_max)) keys["state_no"] = fstrs["state_no"].format( no=state_no, digits=digits ) # state values -- need to do some parsing here ... state_pairs = [ parse_state_pair(name, dim, fstrs=fstrs) for name, dim in dims.items() ] sjc = fstrs["state_join_char"] keys["state"] = sjc.join( [fstrs["state"].format(name=k, val=v) for k, v in state_pairs] ) # state vector svjc = fstrs["state_vector_join_char"] keys["state_vector"] = svjc.join([str(s) for s in state_vector]) # Evaluate it out_path = fstrs["sweep"].format(**keys) # Prepend the output directory and return out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_path) return out_path
[docs] def _check_plot_name(self, name: str) -> None: """Raises if a plot name contains bad characters""" if any([s in name for s in BAD_PLOT_NAME_CHARS]): _bad_name_chars = ", ".join(repr(s) for s in BAD_PLOT_NAME_CHARS) raise ValueError( f"The plot name '{name}' contains unsupported characters! " "Remove any of the following offending substrings from the " f"plot function name: {_bad_name_chars}" )
[docs] def _get_plot_func(self, **resolver_kwargs) -> Callable: """Instantiates a plot function resolver, :py:class:`~dantro.plot.utils.plot_func.PlotFuncResolver`, and uses it to get the desired plot function callable. """ pf_resolver = self._get_plot_func_resolver(**self._pfr_kwargs) return pf_resolver.resolve(**resolver_kwargs)
[docs] def _get_plot_func_resolver(self, **init_kwargs) -> _PlotFuncResolver: """Instantiates the plot function resolver object with the given initialization arguments. This method is called from :py:meth:`._get_plot_func` and can be used for more conveniently controlling how the resolver is set up. By default, the ``init_kwargs`` will be equivalent to the ``plot_func_resolver_init_kwargs`` given to :py:meth:`.__init__`. """ return self.PLOT_FUNC_RESOLVER(**init_kwargs)
[docs] def _get_plot_creator( self, *, creator: Union[str, Callable], plot_func: Callable, name: str, init_kwargs: dict, ) -> BasePlotCreator: """Determines which plot creator to use by looking at the given arguments and the plotting function. Then, sets up the corresponding creator and returns it. This method is called from :py:meth:`._plot`. Args: creator (Union[str, Callable]): The name of the creator to be looked up in :py:attr:`.CREATORS`. Can also be None, in which case it is attempted to look it up from the ``plot_func`` 's ``creator`` attribute. If that was not possible either, the :py:attr:`.default_creator` is used. If a callable is given, will use that as a factory to construct the creator instance. name (str): The name that will be used for the plot creator, typically the plot name itself. init_kwargs (dict): Additional creator initialization parameters Returns: BasePlotCreator: The selected creator object, fully initialized. """ # If no creator is given, try to retrieve it by some other means if creator is None: log.debug("No creator specified.") if hasattr(plot_func, "creator"): creator = plot_func.creator log.debug( " Using creator specified by plot function instead: %s", creator, ) elif self.default_creator: creator = self.default_creator log.debug(" Using default creator instead: %s", creator) else: raise InvalidCreator( f"Could not determine a plot creator for plot '{name}'!\n" "Either specify it directly via the `creator` argument, " "associate one with the plot function via the decorator, " "or set the `default_creator` argument during the " "initialization of the PlotManager." ) # Determine the actual creator *type* now. # More precisely, this can also be a factory that then generates the # BasePlotCreator-like object. if not callable(creator): PlotCreator = self.CREATORS[creator] else: PlotCreator = creator # Parse initialization kwargs, based on the defaults set in __init__ # FIXME This is not working properly if ``creator`` is not a string! pc_kwargs = recursive_update( copy.deepcopy(self._shared_cckwargs), self._cckwargs.get(creator, {}), ) if init_kwargs: log.debug("Recursively updating creator initialization kwargs ...") pc_kwargs = recursive_update(copy.deepcopy(pc_kwargs), init_kwargs) if "raise_exc" not in pc_kwargs: pc_kwargs["raise_exc"] = self.raise_exc # Can now instantiate the creator object pc = PlotCreator( name=name, plot_func=plot_func, dm=self._dm, **pc_kwargs ) log.debug("Initialized %s.", pc.logstr) return pc
[docs] def _invoke_plot_creation( self, plot_creator: BasePlotCreator, *, out_path: str, debug: bool = None, **plot_cfg, ) -> Union[bool, str]: """This method wraps the plot creator's ``__call__`` and is the last PlotManager method that is called prior to handing over to the selected plot creator. It takes care of invoking the plot creator's ``__call__`` method and handling potential error messages and return values. Args: plot_creator (BasePlotCreator): The currently used creator object out_path (str): The plot output path debug (bool, optional): If given, this overwrites the ``raise_exc`` option specified during initialization. **plot_cfg: The plot configuration Returns: Union[bool, str]: Whether the plot was carried out successfully. Returns the string ``'skipped'`` if the plot was skipped via a :py:class:`~dantro.exceptions.SkipPlot` exception. Raises: PlotCreatorError: On error within the plot creator. This is only raised if either ``debug is True`` or ``debug is None and self.raise_exc``. Otherwise, the error message is merely logged. """ try: plot_creator(out_path=out_path, **plot_cfg) except SkipPlot as skip_reason: log.caution("Skipped. %s\n", skip_reason) return "skipped" except Exception as exc: self._handle_exception( exc, pc=plot_creator, debug=debug, ExcCls=PlotCreatorError ) return False log.debug("Plot creator call returned successfully.") return True
[docs] def _store_plot_info( self, name: str, *, plot_cfg: dict, plot_cfg_extras: dict, creator_name: str, save: bool, target_dir: str, part_of_sweep: bool = False, **info, ): """Stores all plot information in the plot_info list and, if ``save`` is set, also saves it using :py:meth:`._save_plot_cfg`. """ # Prepare the entry entry = dict( name=name, plot_cfg=plot_cfg, plot_cfg_extras=plot_cfg_extras, target_dir=target_dir, creator_name=creator_name, part_of_sweep=part_of_sweep, **info, plot_cfg_path=None, ) if save: # Save the plot configuration save_path = self._save_plot_cfg( plot_cfg, name=name, target_dir=target_dir, **plot_cfg_extras, ) # Store the path the configuration was saved at entry["plot_cfg_path"] = save_path # Append to the plot_info list self._plot_info.append(entry)
[docs] def _save_plot_cfg( self, cfg: dict, *, name: str, target_dir: str, exists_action: str = None, is_sweep: bool = False, **plot_cfg_extras, ) -> str: """Saves the given configuration under the top-level entry ``name`` to a yaml file. Args: cfg (dict): The plot configuration to save name (str): The name of the plot target_dir (str): The directory path to store the file in exists_action (str, optional): What to do if a plot configuration already exists. Can be: ``overwrite``, ``overwrite_nowarn``, ``skip``, ``append``, ``raise``. If None, uses the value of the ``cfg_exists_action`` argument given during initialization. is_sweep (bool, optional): Set if the configuration refers to a plot in sweep mode, for which a different format string is used **plot_cfg_extras: Added to the plot configuration via recursive update. Returns: str: The path the config was saved at (mainly used for testing) Raises: ValueError: For invalid ``exists_action`` argument """ # Resolve default arguments if exists_action is None: exists_action = self._cfg_exists_action # Build the dict that is to be saved d = dict() d[name] = copy.deepcopy(cfg) # Need to include some extra information like the creator and the # plot function that was used if not isinstance(cfg, ParamSpace): d[name] = recursive_update(d[name], plot_cfg_extras) else: # FIXME hacky, should not use the internal API! d[name]._dict = recursive_update(d[name]._dict, plot_cfg_extras) # Generate the filename and save path fn_fstr = self.out_fstrs["plot_cfg_sweep" if is_sweep else "plot_cfg"] fname = fn_fstr.format(name=name, basename=os.path.basename(name)) save_path = os.path.join(target_dir, fname) # Try to write try: write_yml(d, path=save_path, mode="x") except FileExistsError: log.debug("Config file already exists at %s!", save_path) if exists_action == "raise": raise elif exists_action == "skip": log.debug("Skipping ...") elif exists_action == "append": log.debug("Appending ...") write_yml(d, path=save_path, mode="a") elif exists_action == "overwrite": log.warning("Overwriting existing plot configuration ...") write_yml(d, path=save_path, mode="w") elif exists_action == "overwrite_nowarn": log.debug("Overwriting ...") write_yml(d, path=save_path, mode="w") else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid value '{exists_action}' for argument " "`exists_action`! Choose from: raise, skip, append, " "overwrite, overwrite_nowarn" ) else: log.debug( "Saved plot configuration for '%s' to: %s", name, save_path ) return save_path
# ......................................................................... # Plotting
[docs] def plot_from_cfg( self, *, plots_cfg: Union[dict, str] = None, plot_only: List[str] = None, out_dir: str = None, resolve_based_on: bool = True, **update_plots_cfg, ) -> None: """Create multiple plots from a configuration, either a given one or the one passed during initialization. This is mostly a wrapper around the plot function, allowing additional ways of how to configure and create plots. Args: plots_cfg (Union[dict, str], optional): The plots configuration to use. If not given, the ``default_plots_cfg`` specified during initialization is used. If a string is given, will assume it is a path and load the file. plot_only (List[str], optional): If given, create only those plots from the resulting configuration that match these names. This will lead to the `enabled` key being ignored, regardless of its value. The strings given here may also include Unix shell-like wildcards like ``*`` and ``? ``, which are matched using the Python ``fnmatch`` module. out_dir (str, optional): A different output directory; will use the one passed at initialization if the given argument evaluates to False. resolve_based_on (bool, optional): Whether to resolve the ``based_on`` entries in ``plots_cfg`` here. If false, will postpone this to :py:meth:`.plot`, thus *not* including the rest of the ``plots_cfg`` in the base configuration pool for name resolution. Lookups happen from ``base_cfg_pools`` following the rules described in :py:func:`~dantro.plot._cfg.resolve_based_on`. **update_plots_cfg: If given, it is used to update the plots_cfg recursively. Note that on the top level the _names_ of the plots are placed; this cannot be used to make all plots have a common property. Furthermore, this update happens *before* the ``based_on`` entries are resolved. Raises: PlotConfigError: Empty or invalid plot configuration ValueError: Bad ``plot_only`` argument, e.g. not matching any of the available plot names. """ # Determine which plot configuration to use, ensuring a deep copy if not plots_cfg: if not self._default_plots_cfg and not update_plots_cfg: e_msg = ( "Got empty `plots_cfg` and `plots_cfg` given at " "initialization was also empty. Nothing to plot." ) if self.raise_exc: raise PlotConfigError(e_msg) log.error(e_msg) return log.debug("Using default plots configuration.") plots_cfg = copy.deepcopy(self._default_plots_cfg) else: plots_cfg = self._prepare_cfg(plots_cfg) # Allow update of plots configuration if update_plots_cfg: plots_cfg = recursive_update( plots_cfg, copy.deepcopy(update_plots_cfg) ) log.debug("Updated the plots configuration.") # Check the plot configuration for invalid types for plot_name, cfg in plots_cfg.items(): if not isinstance(cfg, (dict, ParamSpace)): raise PlotConfigError( "Got invalid plots specifications for the plot named " f"'{plot_name}'! Expected dict or ParamSpace, but got " f"{type(cfg).__name__} with value '{cfg}'." ) # Evaluate `plot_only`, but retain a copy of the full configuration full_plots_cfg = copy.deepcopy(plots_cfg) if plot_only is None: # Resolve all `enabled` entries, creating a new plots_cfg dict plots_cfg = { k: v for k, v in plots_cfg.items() if v.pop("enabled", True) } else: # Filter the plot selection, resolving glob-like patterns to_plot = [] for name in plot_only: if any([s in name for s in ("*", "?", "[", "]")]): # Add all matching plot names to_plot += fnmatch.filter(plots_cfg.keys(), name) else: # No globbing; add the name directly to_plot.append(name) # Reduce the plot configuration to those entries try: plots_cfg = {k: plots_cfg[k] for k in to_plot} except KeyError as err: _plot_only = ", ".join(plot_only) raise ValueError( f"Could not find a configuration for a plot named {err} " "while resolving the plot_only argument! Check that it " "was specified correctly:\n" f" plot_only: {_plot_only}\n" f" available:\n{make_columns(plots_cfg.keys())}" ) from err # Remove all `enabled` keys from the remaining entries, thus also # enabling those plots that were set `enabled: False` for cfg in plots_cfg.values(): cfg.pop("enabled", None) # Also throw out entries that start with an underscore or dot plots_cfg = { k: v for k, v in plots_cfg.items() if not (k.startswith("_") or k.startswith(".")) } # Now resolve the `based_on` entries of all remaining plot entries, # but allow lookup from those plots that were not enabled. if resolve_based_on: # Determine only the _unused_ plot configurations such that they # can be added as a separate pool. As these might still contain # the already-evaluated `enabled` key, need to pop that out. # NOTE The full_plots_cfg no longer contains those entries after # this operation was carried out. unused_plots_cfg = { k: (v, v.pop("enabled", None))[0] for k, v in full_plots_cfg.items() if k not in plots_cfg } plots_cfg = _resolve_based_on( plots_cfg, label="plot_from_cfg", base_pools=( tuple(self.base_cfg_pools.items()) + (("plot_from_cfg_unused", unused_plots_cfg),) ), ) # Determine the output directory path to use; not creating directories! if not out_dir: out_dir = self._out_dir out_dir = self._parse_out_dir(out_dir, name="{name:}") # NOTE creating this here such that all plots from this config are side # by side in one output directory. With the given `name` key, the # evaluation of that part of the out_dir path is postponed # to when the actual plot with that name is created. # Not doing this would lead to multiple output paths for different # time stamps. # Provide information on how many plots will be created log.hilight( "Performing plots from %d plot configuration entr%s:", len(plots_cfg), "ies" if len(plots_cfg) != 1 else "y", ) t0 = time.time() _plot_names = [] _num_plots = 0 for plot_name, cfg in plots_cfg.items(): _n = 1 _creator = cfg.get("creator", "auto") if isinstance(cfg, ParamSpace): _n = cfg.volume if cfg.volume else 1 _plot_names.append( " - {:<50s} ({:s}, {:d} plot{:s})" "".format(plot_name, _creator, _n, "s" if _n != 1 else "") ) _num_plots += _n log.note( "Have (at least) the following %d plots to perform:\n%s\n", _num_plots, "\n".join(_plot_names), ) # Loop over the configured plots and invoke the individual plot calls for plot_name, cfg in plots_cfg.items(): if isinstance(cfg, ParamSpace): self.plot(plot_name, default_out_dir=out_dir, from_pspace=cfg) else: self.plot(plot_name, default_out_dir=out_dir, **cfg) log.success( "Performed plots from %d plot configuration%s in %s.\n", len(plots_cfg), "s" if len(plots_cfg) != 1 else "", _fmt_time(time.time() - t0), )
[docs] def plot( self, name: str, *, based_on: Union[str, Tuple[str]] = None, from_pspace: Union[dict, ParamSpace] = None, **plot_cfg, ) -> BasePlotCreator: """Create plot(s) from a single configuration entry. A call to this function resolves the ``based_on`` feature and passes the derived plot configuration to :py:meth:`._plot`, which actually carries out the plotting. See there for documentation of further arguments. Note that more than one plot can result from a single configuration entry, e.g. when plots were configured that have more dimensions than representable in a single file. For Args: name (str): The name of this plot. This will be used for generating an output file path later on. Some characters are not allowed, e.g. ``*`` and ``?``, but a ``/`` can be used to store the plot output in a subdirectory. based_on (Union[str, Tuple[str]], optional): A key or a sequence of keys of entries in the base pool that should be used as the basis of this plot. The given plot configuration is then used to recursively update (a copy of) those base configuration entries. Lookups happen from ``base_cfg_pools`` following the rules described in :py:func:`~dantro.plot._cfg.resolve_based_on`. from_pspace (Union[dict, paramspace.paramspace.ParamSpace], optional): If given, execute a parameter sweep over these parameters, re-using the same creator instance. If this is a dict, a ParamSpace is created from it. **plot_cfg: The plot configuration, including some parameters that the plot manager will evaluate (and consequently: does not pass on to the plot creator). If using ``from_pspace``, parameters given here will recursively update those given in ``from_pspace``. Returns: BasePlotCreator: The PlotCreator used for these plots """ self._check_plot_name(name) # Distinguish cases that are using a ParamSpace and those that do not. # The latter are far simpler to handle ... if from_pspace is None: plot_cfg = _resolve_based_on_single( name=name, based_on=based_on, plot_cfg=plot_cfg, label="plot", base_pools=self._base_cfg_pools, ) return self._plot(name, **plot_cfg) # Else: It's more complicated now, as the config is in from_pspace, and # (partly) in plot_cfg. Urgh. # To make it easier, get information out of the `ParamSpace` object, # move entries from `plot_cfg` over there, resolve the `based_on` # entries and then build a new `ParamSpace` object (done in `_plot`). if isinstance(from_pspace, ParamSpace): from_pspace = copy.deepcopy(from_pspace._dict) # FIXME Should not have to use private API! # Combine from_pspace and plot_cfg into one dict from_pspace = recursive_update(from_pspace, copy.deepcopy(plot_cfg)) # Resolve `based_on` from_pspace = _resolve_based_on_single( name=name, based_on=based_on, plot_cfg=from_pspace, label="plot_pspace", base_pools=self._base_cfg_pools, ) # Extract keys which `_plot` expects as separate arguments kwargs = { k: from_pspace.pop(k, None) for k in ( "plot_func", "module", "module_file", "creator", "out_dir", "default_out_dir", "save_plot_cfg", "creator_init_kwargs", ) } return self._plot(name, from_pspace=from_pspace, **kwargs)
[docs] def _plot( self, name: str, *, plot_func: Union[str, Callable] = None, module: str = None, module_file: str = None, creator: Union[str, Callable] = None, out_dir: str = None, default_out_dir: str = None, file_ext: str = None, save_plot_cfg: bool = None, creator_init_kwargs: dict = None, from_pspace: dict = None, **plot_cfg, ) -> BasePlotCreator: """Create plot(s) from a single configuration entry. This first resolves the plot function using the plot function resolver class: :py:class:`~dantro.plot.utils.plot_func.PlotFuncResolver` or a derived class (depending on the :py:attr:`.PLOT_FUNC_RESOLVER`). A call to this function creates a :ref:`plot creator <plot_creators>`, which is also returned after all plots are finished. Note that more than one plot can result from a single configuration entry, e.g. when plots were configured that have more dimensions than representable in a single file or when using ``from_pspace``. Args: name (str): The name of this plot plot_func (Union[str, Callable], optional): The name or module string of the plot function as it can be imported from ``module``. If this is a callable will directly return that callable. This argument *needs* be given. module (str): If ``plot_func`` was the name of the plot function, this needs to be the name of the module to import that name from. module_file (str): Path to the file to load and look for the ``plot_func`` in. If ``base_module_file_dir`` is given during initialization, this can also be a path relative to that directory. creator (Union[str, Callable]): The name of the creator to be looked up in :py:attr:`.CREATORS`. Can also be None, in which case it is attempted to look it up from the ``plot_func`` 's ``creator`` attribute. If that was not possible either, the :py:attr:`.default_creator` is used. If a callable is given, will use that as a factory to set up the creator. out_dir (str, optional): If given, will use this directory as out directory. If not, will use the default value given by ``default_out_dir`` or that given at initialization. default_out_dir (str, optional): An output directory that was determined *in the calling context* and which should be used as default if no ``out_dir`` was given explicitly. file_ext (str, optional): The file extension to use, including the leading dot! save_plot_cfg (bool, optional): Whether to save the plot config. If not given, uses the default value from initialization. creator_init_kwargs (dict, optional): Passed to the plot creator during initialization. Note that the arguments given at initialization of the PlotManager are updated by this. from_pspace (dict, optional): If given, execute a parameter sweep over this parameter space, re-using the same creator instance. Each point in parameter space will end up calling this method with arguments unpacked to the ``plot_cfg`` argument. **plot_cfg: The plot configuration to pass on to the plot creator. This may be completely empty if ``from_pspace`` is used! Returns: BasePlotCreator: The PlotCreator used for these plots. This will also be returned in case the plot failed! Raises: PlotConfigError: If no out directory was specified here or at initialization. PlotCreatorError: In case the preparation or execution of the plot failed for whatever reason. Not raised if not in debug mode. """ log.debug("Preparing plot '%s' ...", name) t0 = time.time() # Gather arguments that are explicitly handled here; they may still be # needed downstream, e.g. when storing the plot configuration to file. plot_cfg_extras = dict( out_dir=out_dir, file_ext=file_ext, creator=creator, plot_func=str(plot_func), # ... to not have a callable in here module=module, module_file=module_file, creator_init_kwargs=copy.deepcopy(creator_init_kwargs), save_plot_cfg=save_plot_cfg, ) plot_cfg_extras = { k: v for k, v in plot_cfg_extras.items() if v is not None } # Evaluate the output directory and whether to save plot configs if not out_dir: if default_out_dir: out_dir = default_out_dir elif self._out_dir: out_dir = self._out_dir else: raise PlotConfigError( "No `out_dir` specified here and at " "initialization; cannot perform plot." ) if save_plot_cfg is None: save_plot_cfg = self.save_plot_cfg # Retrieve the plot function callable if plot_func is None: raise PlotConfigError("Missing `plot_func` argument!") plot_func = self._get_plot_func( plot_func=plot_func, module=module, module_file=module_file ) # Set up the plot creator instance plot_creator = self._get_plot_creator( creator=creator, plot_func=plot_func, name=name, init_kwargs=creator_init_kwargs, ) # Let the creator process arguments try: plot_cfg, from_pspace = plot_creator.prepare_cfg( plot_cfg=plot_cfg, pspace=from_pspace ) except Exception as exc: _debug = plot_cfg.get("debug") self._handle_exception( exc, pc=plot_creator, debug=_debug, ExcCls=PlotCreatorError ) return plot_creator # Distinguish single calls and parameter sweeps if not from_pspace: log.progress("Plotting '%s' ...", name) # Generate the output path out_dir = self._parse_out_dir(out_dir, name=name) out_path = self._parse_out_path( plot_creator, name=name, out_dir=out_dir, file_ext=file_ext ) # Call the plot creator to perform the plot, using the private # method to perform exception handling rv = self._invoke_plot_creation( plot_creator, out_path=out_path, **plot_cfg ) # Store plot information (_save_ only if not skipped) self._store_plot_info( name=name, creator_name=creator, out_path=out_path, plot_cfg=plot_cfg, plot_cfg_extras=plot_cfg_extras, save=save_plot_cfg and rv != "skipped", target_dir=os.path.dirname(out_path), creator_rv=rv, part_of_sweep=False, ) if rv is True: log.progress( "Performed '%s' plot in %s.\n", name, _fmt_time(time.time() - t0), ) return plot_creator # else: Is a parameter sweep over the plot configuration .............. # NOTE The parameter space is allowed to have volume 0! # Make sure it's a ParamSpace if not isinstance(from_pspace, ParamSpace): from_pspace = ParamSpace(from_pspace) # Extract some info and communicate it psp_vol = from_pspace.volume psp_dims = from_pspace.dims if psp_vol > 0: amap_coords = from_pspace.active_state_map.coords max_dname_len = max(len(n) for n in amap_coords.keys()) n_max = psp_vol log.progress("Performing %d '%s' plots ...", n_max, name) log.note( "... iterating over parameter space:\n%s", "\n".join( [ " * {0:<{d:}} : {1:}".format( dim_name, ", ".join([str(c) for c in coords.values]), d=max_dname_len, ) for dim_name, coords in amap_coords.items() ] ), ) else: log.progress("Plotting '%s' ...", name) log.note("... from default point in zero-volume parameter space.") n_max = 1 # Parse the output directory, such that all plots are together in # one directory even if the timestamp varies out_dir = self._parse_out_dir(out_dir, name=name) # Create the iterator it = from_pspace.iterator( with_info=("state_no", "state_vector", "coords") ) # Keep track of how many plots are skipped num_skipped = 0 # ...and loop over all points: for n, (cfg, state_no, state_vector, coords) in enumerate(it): log.progress("Plotting '%s' (%d/%d) ...", name, n + 1, n_max) if coords: log.note( "Current coordinates of sweep plot configuration:\n%s", "\n".join( " {:>23s}: {}".format(*kv) for kv in coords.items() ), ) # Handle the file extension parameter; it might come from the # given configuration and then needs to be popped such that it # is not propagated to the plot creator. _file_ext = cfg.pop("file_ext", file_ext) # Generate the output path out_path = self._parse_out_path( plot_creator, name=name, out_dir=out_dir, file_ext=_file_ext, state_no=state_no, state_no_max=n_max - 1, state_vector=state_vector, dims=psp_dims, ) # Call the plot creator to perform the plot, using the private # method to perform exception handling rv = self._invoke_plot_creation( plot_creator, out_path=out_path, **cfg, **plot_cfg ) # NOTE The **plot_cfg is passed here in order to not lose any # arguments that might have been passed to it. While `cfg` # _should_ hold all the arguments from the parameter space # iteration, there might be more arguments in `plot_cfg`; # rather than disallowing this, we pass them on and # forward responsibility downstream ... # Always store plot information, regardless of skipping. # Saving is enabled only for zero-volume parameter sweeps in order # to have the backup file right beside the plot; the file will not # be saved again after the for-loop. self._store_plot_info( name=name, creator_name=creator, out_path=out_path, plot_cfg=dict(**cfg, **plot_cfg), plot_cfg_extras=plot_cfg_extras, state_no=state_no, state_vector=state_vector, save=(save_plot_cfg and psp_vol == 0 and rv != "skipped"), target_dir=os.path.dirname(out_path), creator_rv=rv, part_of_sweep=True, ) # Count skipped plots if rv == "skipped": num_skipped += 1 elif rv is True: log.progress("Finished plot %d/%d.", n + 1, n_max) # Estimate for time remaining if (n + 1) < n_max: dt = time.time() - t0 etl = dt / ((n + 1) / n_max) - dt log.note( "Estimated time needed for %d remaining plots: %s\n", n_max - (n + 1), _fmt_time(etl), ) # Finished parameter space iteration. # Save the plot configuration alongside, if configured to do so, and # if at least one of the plots was *not* skipped and the parameter # space was not zero-volume if save_plot_cfg and num_skipped < (n + 1) and psp_vol > 0: self._save_plot_cfg( from_pspace, name=name, target_dir=out_dir, is_sweep=True, **plot_cfg_extras, ) dt = time.time() - t0 if not num_skipped: log.progress( "Performed all '%s' plots in %s.\n", name, _fmt_time(dt) ) else: log.progress( "Performed %d/%d '%s' plots in %s, skipped %d.\n", (n + 1) - num_skipped, n + 1, name, _fmt_time(dt), num_skipped, ) # Done now. Return the plot creator object return plot_creator