Source code for dantro.plot.funcs.multiplot

"""Generic, DAG-based multiplot function for the
:py:class:`~dantro.plot.creators.pyplot.PyPlotCreator` and derived plot

import logging
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

from ..utils import is_plot_func
from ._multiplot import parse_and_invoke_function

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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# -- The actual plotting functions --------------------------------------------
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[docs]@is_plot_func(use_dag=True) def multiplot( *, hlpr: "dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper", to_plot: Union[List[dict], Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[dict]]], data: dict, funcs: Dict[str, Callable] = None, show_hints: bool = True, **shared_kwargs, ) -> None: """Consecutively call multiple plot functions on one or multiple axes. ``to_plot`` contains all relevant information for the functions to plot. If ``to_plot`` is list-like the plot functions are plotted on the current axes created through the hlpr. If ``to_plot`` is dict-like, the keys specify the coordinate pair selecting an ax to plot on, e.g. (0,0), while the values specify a list of plot function configurations to apply consecutively. Each list entry specifies one function plot and is parsed via the :py:func:`~dantro.plot.funcs._multiplot.parse_function_specs` function. The multiplot works with any plot function that either operates on the current axis and does *not* create a new figure or does not require an axis at all. .. note:: While most functions will automatically operate on the current axis, some function calls may require an axis object. If so, use the ``pass_axis_object_as`` argument to specify the name of the keyword argument as which the current axis is to be passed to the function call. Look at the :ref:`multiplot documentation <dag_multiplot>` for further information. Example: A simple ``to_plot`` specification for a single axis may look like this: .. code-block:: yaml to_plot: - function: sns.lineplot data: !dag_result data # Note that especially seaborn plot functions require a # `data` input argument that can conveniently be # provided via the `!dag_result` YAML-tag. # If not provided, nothing is plotted without emitting # a warning. - function: sns.despine A ``to_plot`` specification for a two-column subplot could look like this: .. code-block:: yaml to_plot: [0,0]: - function: sns.lineplot data: !dag_result data - # ... more here ... [1,0]: - function: sns.scatterplot data: !dag_result data If ``function`` is a string it is looked up from the following dictionary: .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/plot/funcs/ :language: python :start-after: MULTIPLOT_FUNC_KINDS = { # --- start literalinclude :end-before: } # --- end literalinclude :dedent: 4 It is also possible to *import* callables on the fly. To do so, pass a 2-tuple of ``(module, name)`` to ``function``, which will then be loaded using :py:func:`~dantro._import_tools.import_module_or_object`. Args: hlpr (dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper): The PlotHelper instance for this plot, carrying the to-be-plotted-on figure object. to_plot (Union[list, dict]): The plot specifications. If list-like, assumes that there is only a single axis and applies all functions to that axis. If dict-like, expects 2-tuples for keys and selects the axis before commencing to plot. Beforehand, the figure needs to have been set up accordingly via the ``setup_figure`` helper. data (dict): Data from TransformationDAG selection. These results are ignored; data needs to be passed via the result placeholders! See above. funcs (Dict[str, Callable], optional): If given, use this dictionary to look up functions by name. If not given, will use a default dict with a set of matplotlib and seaborn functions. show_hints (bool): Whether to show hints in the case of not passing any arguments to a plot function. **shared_kwargs (dict): Shared kwargs for all plot functions. They are recursively updated, if to_plot specifies the same kwargs. .. warning:: Note that especially seaborn plot functions require a ``data`` argument that needs to be passed via a ``!dag_result`` key, see :ref:`dag_result_placeholder`. The multiplot function neither expects nor automatically passes a ``data`` DAG-node to the individual functions. .. note:: If a plot fails and the helper is configured to not raise on a failing invocation, the logger will inform about the error. This allows to still apply other functions on the same axis. Raises: TypeError: On a non-list-like or non-dict-like ``to_plot`` argument. """ if not isinstance(to_plot, (list, tuple, dict)): raise TypeError( "The `to_plot` argument needs to be list-like or a dict but was " f"of type {type(to_plot)} with value {to_plot}." ) if show_hints and data: log.caution( "Got the following transformation results via the " f"`data` argument: {', '.join(data)}. " "Note that the multiplot function ignores these; pass " "them via result placeholders instead. Remove these tags " "from the `compute_only` argument to avoid passing them " "or set `show_hints` to False to suppress this hint." ) if isinstance(to_plot, dict): for ax_coords, specs in to_plot.items(): hlpr.select_axis(*ax_coords) for call_num, func_kwargs in enumerate(specs): parse_and_invoke_function( hlpr=hlpr, funcs=funcs, shared_kwargs=shared_kwargs, func_kwargs=func_kwargs, show_hints=show_hints, call_num=call_num, ) else: for call_num, func_kwargs in enumerate(to_plot): parse_and_invoke_function( hlpr=hlpr, funcs=funcs, shared_kwargs=shared_kwargs, func_kwargs=func_kwargs, show_hints=show_hints, call_num=call_num, )