Source code for dantro.plot.funcs._multiplot

"""Implements config-configurable function invocation that can be used for
applying function calls to a plot.
This is used in :py:func:`~dantro.plot.funcs.multiplot.multiplot` plot and
the :py:meth:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper._hlpr_call` helper function.

import copy
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

from ..._import_tools import (
from ...exceptions import *
from import make_columns, recursive_update
from ..utils.color_mngr import ColorManager, parse_cmap_and_norm_kwargs

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Lazy module loading for packages that take a long time to import
_plt = LazyLoader("matplotlib.pyplot", _depth=1)
_sns = LazyLoader("seaborn", _depth=1)
# NOTE This import is specifically for the definition of the seaborn-based
#      multiplot functions and should not be used for anything else!
#      Depth 1 means: `_sns.foobar` is still a LazyLoader object and will only
#      be resolved upon an *attribute* call! Subsequently, these need to be
#      resolved manually, as done via `resolve_lazy_imports`.

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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Define some default plot functions
# NOTE These are defined here in a lazy fashion, thus being actually
#      LazyLoader instances. They are (and need to be) resolved upon a first
#      call to the multiplot function
MULTIPLOT_FUNC_KINDS = { # --- start literalinclude
    # Seaborn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    # Relational plots
    "sns.scatterplot":      _sns.scatterplot,
    "sns.lineplot":         _sns.lineplot,

    # Distribution plots
    "sns.histplot":         _sns.histplot,
    "sns.kdeplot":          _sns.kdeplot,
    "sns.ecdfplot":         _sns.ecdfplot,
    "sns.rugplot":          _sns.rugplot,

    # Categorical plots
    "sns.stripplot":        _sns.stripplot,
    "sns.swarmplot":        _sns.swarmplot,
    "sns.boxplot":          _sns.boxplot,
    "sns.violinplot":       _sns.violinplot,
    "sns.boxenplot":        _sns.boxenplot,
    "sns.pointplot":        _sns.pointplot,
    "sns.barplot":          _sns.barplot,
    "sns.countplot":        _sns.countplot,

    # Regression plots
    "sns.regplot":          _sns.regplot,
    "sns.residplot":        _sns.residplot,

    # Matrix plots
    "sns.heatmap":          _sns.heatmap,

    # Utility functions
    "sns.despine":          _sns.despine,

    # Matplotlib - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    # Relational plots
    "plt.fill":             _plt.fill,
    "plt.scatter":          _plt.scatter,
    "plt.plot":             _plt.plot,
    "plt.polar":            _plt.polar,
    "plt.loglog":           _plt.loglog,
    "plt.semilogx":         _plt.fill,
    "plt.semilogy":         _plt.semilogy,
    "plt.errorbar":         _plt.errorbar,

    # Distribution plots
    "plt.hist":             _plt.hist,
    "plt.hist2d":           _plt.hist2d,

    # Categorical plots
    "":    ,
    "plt.barh":             _plt.barh,
    "plt.pie":              _plt.pie,
    "plt.table":            _plt.table,

    # Matrix plots
    "plt.imshow":           _plt.imshow,
    "plt.pcolormesh":       _plt.pcolormesh,

    # Vector plots
    "plt.contour":          _plt.contour,
    "plt.quiver":           _plt.quiver,
    "plt.streamplot":       _plt.streamplot,
}   # --- end literalinclude
"""The default-available plot kinds for the
:py:func:`~dantro.plot.funcs.multiplot.multiplot` function.

Details of the seaborn-related plots can be found here in the
`seaborn docs <>`_.

    func_name for func_name in MULTIPLOT_FUNC_KINDS
    if func_name not in (
"""The multiplot functions that emit a warning if they do not get any arguments
when called. This is helpful for functions that e.g. require a ``data``
argument but do *not* fail or warn if no such argument is passed on to them.

# fmt: on

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def parse_function_specs( *, _hlpr: "PlotHelper", _funcs: Dict[str, Callable] = None, _shared_kwargs: dict = {}, function: Union[str, Callable, Tuple[str, str]], args: list = None, pass_axis_object_as: str = None, pass_helper: bool = False, **func_kwargs, ) -> Tuple[str, Callable, list, dict]: """Parses a function specification used in the ``invoke_function`` helper. If ``function`` is a string it is looked up from the ``_funcs`` dict. See :py:func:`~.parse_and_invoke_function` and :py:func:`~dantro.plot.funcs.multiplot.multiplot`. Args: _hlpr (dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper): The currently used PlotHelper instance _funcs (Dict[str, Callable]): The lookup dictionary for callables _shared_kwargs (dict, optional): Shared kwargs that passed on to all multiplot functions. They are recursively updated with the individual plot functions' ``func_kwargs``. function (Union[str, Callable, Tuple[str, str]]): The callable function object or the name of the plot function to look up. If given as 2-tuple ``(module, name)``, will attempt an import of that module. args (list, optional): The positional arguments for the plot function pass_axis_object_as (str, optional): If given, will add a keyword argument with this name to pass the current axis object to the to-be-invoked function. pass_helper (bool, optional): If true, passes the helper instance to the function call as keyword argument ``hlpr``. **func_kwargs (dict): The function kwargs to be passed on to the function object. Returns: Tuple[str, Callable, list, dict]: A tuple of function name, callable, positional arguments, and keyword arguments. """ # Parse positional and keyword arguments if args is None: args = [] if _funcs is None: _funcs = MULTIPLOT_FUNC_KINDS func_kwargs = recursive_update(copy.deepcopy(_shared_kwargs), func_kwargs) func_kwargs = parse_cmap_and_norm_kwargs(**func_kwargs) if pass_axis_object_as: func_kwargs[pass_axis_object_as] = if pass_helper: func_kwargs["hlpr"] = _hlpr # Get the function object and a readable name if callable(function): func_name = function.__name__ func = function elif isinstance(function, (list, tuple)): # Import mod, name = function func = import_module_or_object(mod, name) func_name = ".".join(function) else: # Look up the function in the `_funcs` dict. # Still need to resolve all lazy imports in the lookup dictionary. resolve_lazy_imports(_funcs) func_name = function try: func = _funcs[func_name] except KeyError as err: _avail = " (none)\n" if _funcs: _avail = make_columns(_funcs) raise ValueError( f"A function called '{func_name}' could not be found " f"by name!\nAvailable functions:\n{_avail}\n" "Alternatively, pass a callable instead of the function name " "or pass a 2-tuple of (module, name) to import a callable." ) from err return func_name, func, args, func_kwargs
[docs]def parse_and_invoke_function( *, hlpr: "PlotHelper", shared_kwargs: dict, func_kwargs: dict, show_hints: bool, call_num: int, funcs: Dict[str, Callable] = None, caution_func_names: List[str] = None, ) -> Any: """Parses function arguments and then calls :py:func:`~dantro.plot.funcs.multiplot.multiplot`. Args: hlpr (PlotHelper): The currently used PlotHelper instance funcs (Dict[str, Callable], optional): The lookup dictionary for the plot functions. If not given, will use a default lookup dictionary with a set of seaborn and matplotlib functions. shared_kwargs (dict): Arguments shared between function calls func_kwargs (dict): Arguments for *this* function in particular show_hints (bool): Whether to show hints call_num (int): The number of this plot, for easier identification caution_func_names (List[str], optional): a list of function names that will trigger a log message if no function kwargs were given. If not explicitly given, will use some defaults. Returns: Any: return value of plot function call """ if caution_func_names is None: caution_func_names = MULTIPLOT_CAUTION_FUNC_NAMES # Get the function name, the function object and all function kwargs # from the configuration entry. func_name, func, func_args, func_kwargs = parse_function_specs( _hlpr=hlpr, _funcs=funcs, _shared_kwargs=shared_kwargs, **func_kwargs ) # Notify user if plot functions do not get any kwargs passed on. # This is e.g. helpful and relevant for seaborn functions that require # a 'data' kwarg but do not fail or warn if no 'data' is passed on to them. if show_hints and not func_kwargs and func_name in caution_func_names: log.caution( "You seem to have called '%s' without any function arguments. " "If this produces unexpected output, check that all required " "arguments (e.g. `data`, `x`, ...) were given.\n" "To silence this warning, set `show_hints` to `False`.", func_name, ) # Apply the plot function and allow it to fail to make sure that potential # other plots are still plotted and shown. rv = None try: rv = func(*func_args, **func_kwargs) except Exception as exc: msg = ( f"The call to '{func_name}' (call no. {call_num} on axis " f"{hlpr.ax_coords}) did not succeed!\n" f"Got a {type(exc).__name__}: {exc}" ) if hlpr.raise_on_error: raise PlottingError(msg) from exc log.warning( f"{msg}\nEnable debug mode to get a full traceback. " "Proceeding with next plot ..." ) return rv