Source code for dantro.data_loaders.xarray

"""Defines a loader mixin to load xarray objects"""

from ..containers import PassthroughContainer, XrDataContainer
from ._registry import add_loader

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[docs]class XarrayLoaderMixin: """Supplies functionality to load xarray objects""" @add_loader(TargetCls=XrDataContainer) def _load_xr_dataarray( filepath: str, *, TargetCls: type, load_completely: bool = False, engine: str = "scipy", **load_kwargs, ) -> XrDataContainer: """Loads an :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` from a netcdf file into an :py:class:`~dantro.containers.xr.XrDataContainer`. Uses :py:func:`xarray.open_dataarray`. Args: filepath (str): Where the xarray-dumped netcdf file is located TargetCls (type): The class constructor load_completely (bool, optional): If true, will call ``.load()`` on the loaded DataArray to load it completely into memory. Also see: :py:meth:`xarray.DataArray.load`. engine (str, optional): Which engine to use for loading. Refer to the xarray documentation for available engines. **load_kwargs: Passed on to :py:func:`xarray.open_dataarray` Returns: XrDataContainer: The reconstructed XrDataContainer """ import xarray as xr da = xr.open_dataarray(filepath, engine=engine, **load_kwargs) if load_completely: da = da.load() # Create the XrDataContainer, carrying over attributes return TargetCls(data=da, attrs=da.attrs) @add_loader(TargetCls=PassthroughContainer) def _load_xr_dataset( filepath: str, *, TargetCls: type, load_completely: bool = False, engine: str = "scipy", **load_kwargs, ) -> PassthroughContainer: """Loads an :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` from a netcdf file into a :py:class:`~dantro.containers.general.PassthroughContainer`. Uses :py:func:`xarray.open_dataset`. .. note:: As there is no proper equivalent of a dataset in dantro (yet), and unpacking the dataset into a dantro group would reduce functionality, the PassthroughContainer is used here. It should behave almost the same as an :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`. Args: filepath (str): Where the xarray-dumped netcdf file is located TargetCls (type): The class constructor load_completely (bool, optional): If true, will call ``.load()`` on the loaded xr.Dataset to load it completely into memory. Also see: :py:meth:`xarray.Dataset.load`. engine (str, optional): Which engine to use for loading. Refer to the xarray documentation for available engines. **load_kwargs: Passed on to :py:func:`xarray.open_dataset` Returns: PassthroughContainer: The reconstructed :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`, stored in a passthrough container. """ import xarray as xr ds = xr.open_dataset(filepath, engine=engine, **load_kwargs) if load_completely: ds = ds.load() # Create the PassthroughContainer, carrying over dataset attributes return TargetCls(data=ds, attrs=ds.attrs)