Source code for dantro.data_loaders._registry

"""Implements registration of data loaders, including a decorator to ensure
correct loader function signature (which also automatically keeps track of the
data loader function).

import logging
from typing import Callable, List

from .._registry import ObjectRegistry as _ObjectRegistry

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

LOAD_FUNC_PREFIX: str = "_load_"
"""The prefix that all load functions need to start with"""

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[docs]class DataLoaderRegistry(_ObjectRegistry): """Specialization of :py:class:`~dantro._registry.ObjectRegistry` for the purpose of keeping track of data loaders. """ _DESC = "data loader" _SKIP = False _OVERWRITE = False _EXPECTED_TYPE = None
DATA_LOADERS = DataLoaderRegistry() """The dantro data loaders registry. The :py:class:`~dantro.data_mngr.DataManager` and derived classes have access to all data loaders via this registry (in addition to method-based access they have via potentially used mixins). To register a new loader, use the :py:func:`.add_loader` decorator: """
[docs]def _register_loader( wrapped_func: Callable, name: str, *, skip_existing: bool = False, overwrite_existing: bool = True, ) -> None: """Internally used method to add an entry to the shared loader registry. Args: wrapped_func (Callable): The wrapped callable that is to be registered as a loader. This is what the :py:func:`.add_loader` decorator generates. name (str, optional): The name to use for registration. skip_existing (bool, optional): Whether to skip registration if the loader name is already registered. This suppresses the ValueError raised on existing loader name. overwrite_existing (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite a potentially already existing loader of the same name. If set, this takes precedence over ``skip_existing``. """ return DATA_LOADERS.register( wrapped_func, name=name, skip_existing=skip_existing, overwrite_existing=overwrite_existing, )
[docs]def add_loader( *, TargetCls: type, omit_self: bool = True, overwrite_existing: bool = True, register_aliases: List[str] = None, ): """This decorator should be used to specify loader methods in mixin classes to the :py:class:`~dantro.data_mngr.DataManager`. All decorated methods where ``omit_self is True`` will additinoally be registered in the :py:data:`.DATA_LOADERS` registry. Example: .. testcode:: from dantro.containers import ObjectContainer from dantro.data_loaders import add_loader class MyDataLoaderMixin: @add_loader(TargetCls=ObjectContainer) def _load_foobar(path: str, *, TargetCls: type, **kws): # load something from the given file path with open(path, **kws) as f: data = return TargetCls(data=data) # Define a DataManager that has the custom loader mixed-in from dantro import DataManager class MyDataManager(MyDataLoaderMixin, DataManager): pass .. testcode:: :hide: from dantro.data_loaders._registry import DATA_LOADERS assert "foobar" in DATA_LOADERS del DATA_LOADERS._d["foobar"] assert "foobar" not in DATA_LOADERS .. note:: Loader methods need to be named ``_load_<name>`` and are then accessible via ``<name>``. **Important:** Loader methods may not be named ``_load_file``! .. hint:: This decorator **can also be used on standalone functions**, without the need to define a mixin class. In such a case, ``omit_self`` can still be set to False, leading to the first positional argument that the decorated function needs to accept to be the :py:class:`~dantro.data_mngr.DataManager` instance that the loader is used in. Note that these standalone function should still begin with ``_load_``. Args: TargetCls (type): The return type of the load function. This is stored as an attribute of the decorated function. omit_self (bool, optional): If True (default), the decorated method will not be supplied with the ``self`` object instance, thus being equivalent to a class method. overwrite_existing (bool, optional): If False, will not overwrite the existing registry entry in :py:data:`.DATA_LOADERS` but raise an error instead. register_aliases (List[str], optional): If given, will additionally register this method under the given name """ def load_func_decorator(func): """This decorator sets the load function's ``TargetCls`` attribute.""" func_name = func.__name__ assert func_name.startswith(LOAD_FUNC_PREFIX) assert func_name != "_load_file" # used in DataManager name = func_name[len(LOAD_FUNC_PREFIX) :] # Wrap the load function such that the call signature is handled def load_func(dm: "DataManager", *args, **kwargs): """Calls the load function, either with or without ``self``.""" load_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ if omit_self: # class method or standalone function return func(*args, **kwargs) # regular method return func(dm, *args, **kwargs) # Set the target class as function attribute and also make the captured # function more easily available load_func.TargetCls = TargetCls load_func._func = func # Carry over the docstring of the decorated function load_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ # Keep track of it via the registry dict. # NOTE Can only do this for class methods, which can act as standalone # functions. Load functions that require access to other # attributes or methods of the DataManager *object* can not be # registered in a sensible way because these methods may not be # available. if omit_self: _register_loader( load_func, name=name, overwrite_existing=overwrite_existing ) for alias in register_aliases if register_aliases else (): _register_loader( load_func, name=alias, overwrite_existing=overwrite_existing, ) return load_func return load_func_decorator