.. _dantro_base_plots_ref: Base Plot Configuration Pool ============================ This page documents dantro's :ref:`base plot configuration pool `, sorted by segments and using the :ref:`naming convention `. .. hint:: To quickly search for individual entries, the search functionality of your browser (``Cmd + F``) may be very helpful. Note that some entries (like those of the YAML anchors) may only be found if the :ref:`complete file reference ` is expanded. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 ---- ``.defaults``: default entries ------------------------------ .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/cfg/base_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # start: .defaults :end-before: # === ``.creator``: selecting a plot creator -------------------------------------- More information: :ref:`plot_creators` .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/cfg/base_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # start: .creator :end-before: # === ``.plot``: selecting a plot function ------------------------------------ More information: - :ref:`plot_func` - :ref:`pcr_pyplot_plot_funcs` .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/cfg/base_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # start: .plot :end-before: # === ``.style``: choosing plot style ------------------------------- More information: :ref:`pcr_pyplot_style` .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/cfg/base_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # start: .style :end-before: # === ``.hlpr``: invoking individual plot helper functions ---------------------------------------------------- More information: :ref:`plot_helper` .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/cfg/base_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # start: .hlpr :end-before: # === ``.animation``: controlling animation ------------------------------------- More information: :ref:`pcr_pyplot_animations` .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/cfg/base_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # start: .animation :end-before: # === ``.dag``: configuring the DAG framework --------------------------------------- More information: - :ref:`dag_framework` - :ref:`plot_creator_dag` .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/cfg/base_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # start: .dag :end-before: # === ``.dag.meta_ops``: meta operations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following entries can be included into a plot configuration to make pre-defined :ref:`meta-operations ` available for the data transformation framework. .. admonition:: Example :class: dropdown As an example, let's include the ``.dag.meta_ops.compute_mean_and_stddev`` operation to calculate these values over the ``time`` and ``space`` dimensions and combine them into an :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`. This approach is very useful for generating a ``errorbars`` facet grid plot. Also note how two further meta-operations are included additionally to create a rolling mean of the data and transform a coordinate dimension into a format that matplotlib accepts. .. literalinclude:: ../../tests/cfg/dag_plots.yml :language: yaml :dedent: 6 :start-after: ### Start -- errorbars_example :end-before: ### End ---- errorbars_example .. image:: ../_static/_gen/plots/doc_examples_errorbars.pdf :target: ../_static/_gen/plots/doc_examples_errorbars.pdf :width: 90% :alt: Errorbars plot example with air temperature data For background information on this dataset and example, have a look at the `xarray documentation `__. .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/cfg/base_plots.yml :language: yaml :start-after: # start: .dag.meta_ops :end-before: # === ---- .. _dantro_base_plots_ref_complete: Complete File Reference ----------------------- .. toggle:: .. literalinclude:: ../../dantro/cfg/base_plots.yml :language: yaml :end-before: # end of dantro base plots